The start of a love

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Dust's Pov

I sighed as I woke up, and got out of bed. I slept in my normal clothes. I walked into my living room and sat on the rug.I heard my doorbell ring. I slowly walked to the door to make sure it's not the police. I cracked the open to see who it was it was Blueberry my only friend." Hey, Dust how you been?" Blue Asked. "Shhhh" I let Blue in and we walked to the living room and sat on the rug. 

( that was a short pov )

Blue's Pov

I and Dust sat on the rug. I looked at Dust  and saw a faint Purple Blush." Dust Why are you blushing?" "Im not blushing!"Dust screamed. I jumped on Dust, and pinned him to the ground. Dust's Face looked like a grape he was blushing so hard. " TELL ME WHY YOU ARE BLUSHING!!"I like you, ok I had this feeling for a while now!" My face got warm as I unpinned Dust from the ground. " I-Im sorry I know--" I cut him off and kissed his cheek." I love you too, Dust." My phone started to ring. "OMG WHO IS IT THIS TIME!!!""Oh, its Papy!" Dust walk into his room for me to have my call. I answered the call." Hey Blue where are you and Are you going to be coming home for dinner?"Papy said over the phone. "Im at a friends house and no im not going to be there for dinner.""Im staying the night here" "Which friend's house are you at?" Papy asked. "Why do you need to know?" " BECAUSE IM YOUR OLDER BROTHER!!!!!" Papy yelled over the phone. I hung up. Im so angry. I walked in to Dust's room, and Dust was sitting on his bed. I sat with him, then my anger was gone. I put my head on his shoulder. Then sleep came quickly.

Dust's Pov

Blue fell asleep on me. I petted the top of his skull. I smiled and gave Blue a kiss on the top of his skull. I put Blue on his back on the bed. I smiled and walked to the door." Goodnight Blue." I walked out and went to the kitchen,and grabbed a apple and started to eat it. "I wonder how Killer and Horror are?" I walked back to my room, and checked on Blue.I walked pass Blue, and opened my dourer. I opened the top dourer. I looked at my brother's scarf," Papyrus..."I started to cry. I fell to the ground," Why am so heartless,that I KILLED MY OWN BROTHER!!" I grabbed Papyrus's scarf on put it on. Tears still falling. Blue woke up and walked to me. " Dust are you ok?" Blue asked me softly. Then sat down next to me. Blue shocked me, when he kissed me on the cheek. " Dust please stop crying."  I  stopped crying, then it went black.

Blue's Pov

I sighed, then looked at Dust. " He passed out." I used magic to put Dust on the bed. I grabbed my phone, and called Ink. " Hey Ink, I need your help. You remember Dust right? " Yeah what about him?" Ink asked.                                                 


Hey guys I hope you enjoy this little chapter

What will happen next? IDK or DO I >:3

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