Chapter One: Berlin wall and Promotion

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A/N: Hi guys, this is my first Fanfiction posted here, so be nice please.
Also, sorry ahead for any grammar errors that you may find in the future. And yes I know the colour of the eyes and the scar are wrong, I admit my error, also, she is wearing black pants and black high heels.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary:"Version 2

Julchen (Nyo!Prussia) leaves after the Berlin wall falls down, she didn't want her family and friends to watch her die after all.
But she didn't plan to still be alive after a few years.
She also did not plan to start working with Tony Stark, Happy Hogan,Pepper Potts and James Rhodes and becoming friends with them.
Or to become a super hero during the battle of New York (or to use her old Prussian uniform and go by the codename The Prussian), or to reveal to her four best friends that she was an ex nation after she died and came back after Tony's mansion was destroyed with her in it, or to Hate the bigger part of the avengers(Cap, Natasha, Sam, Clint, The mind manipulative BWitch that couldn't touch her with her powers (thank god to still be able to hear the ghost of her people, but she will have to look into that later with Tony tho)), or to end up fighting against the hated members at the airport and secretly following Barnes and Rogers into Siberia to stop them from doing everything worse (she warned the Russian Government, don't worry, Tony did too if she heard it right), or discovering what actually happen to Tony's parents or trying to stop the two super soldiers from killing Tony and comforting said man at the same time.
Honestly, she didn't even plan on her real identity to be slowly discovered by the other Nations!(or to ask for their help from time to time)" -fandom-writting-promptorrequest, Tumblr

West Berlin, Germany
9 November 1989*

Dear Journal,
I know, I know, it's a Dick move to go away the moment your family and friends have the chance to see you again after years that you were away, but I knew that the East and West would soon become one, and I didn't want them to see me dying, Germany especially, he would blame himself for it.

So yeah, I decided to leave, sue me. Anyways, I better go and disappear, before Ludi or Specs or Eliza or Francy-pants or Toni or Vash and Lilli or maybe even my cousins* find me.

The Awesomest Nation (well ex, but who cares?) ever,
Julchen Beilschmiedt AKA
The Kingdom of Prus-

Julchen stoped writing and looked up from her journal at the sound of the wind blowing the leafs of the trees around her.

Trees, grass, a stone path and a fountain hid her from the view, but she knew that it was only a matter of time until either one of her siblings or friends found the small park and thus finding her, and she didn't want that.

Getting up from the cold breach that she was sitting moments ago she grabbed her travelling bag and started walking. She needed to get moving to avoid the nation's from finding her, she just needed a place to go (maybe one of her cousins land?) and a method of transportation.


Somewhere in Denmark

Dear Journal,
Told ya - J. Beilschmiedt

Stark Industries,Los Angeles, California ,USA
January 12th, 2007

It has been more than a decade, and she is still here, still living. Julchen doesn't know why and while she wonders why, she doesn't have the means to figure it out, besides she was created by an military order* anyway, her life wasn't even normal between nation's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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