One Part Story

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Danni was aware of his eyes – they never left her, tracking her every move as she pushed and shoved her way outside. The buzz of the club was muted as the door swung closed behind her, the cold night air tickling the bare skin on her arms. He was nowhere to be seen and Danni moved quickly, eager to put distance between her and the guy inside.

She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. It answered on the first ring. "Hey Danni, where are you?" Danni had been friends with Shannon now for the past three years and he'd always been there for her through thick and thin. He was a shoulder to cry on after relationships went bad and almost always there to celebrate the good times.

Tonight, Danni needed reassurance, feeling unnerved by what had happened in the club. "Shan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called so late but this guy's been staring at me and following me and I just don't know but it scared the shit out of me, and now I'm calling you and I'm feeling .... just a little stupid ...."

The words tumbled out, drowned slightly by the shouts from clubbers hurrying along the sidewalk and horns blaring from passing cars.

"Danni where are you? Stop for a moment and listen to me!" Shannon said, his voice sounding slightly frantic.

"I'm downtown near the Oasis club. Shannon, don't worry. I'll be OK. I was just slightly freaked out."

"I don't care. Just stay where you are and don't move. I'll come and get you."

No matter what Danni said, Shannon wasn't taking no for an answer. It had been that way ever since they first met at a party organised by mutual friends. He'd insisted they keep in touch. Shannon's job kept him away for long spells but when he was in town, they met for coffee or lunch to catch up. Danni loved his smile and bear hug greetings; Shannon loved her chatter and the chaos she brought to his life.

"Shannon ...." Danni paused, "Thanks. I'm not far from the club. I'll look out for you. I've got my phone if you need me." She ended the call and wrapped her arms around herself, aware of the dip in temperature after the heat and sweat of Oasis. She pulled her purse close to her body and turned around to head back so Shannon could find her.

As she turned, Danni felt the hairs rise on her skin, goosebumps from the midnight breeze. But there was something else mixed in with it. The sidewalk had emptied and neon from a nearby sign brought a red glow to the night. Suddenly she was aware of a movement behind her; a hand on her shoulder forcing her away from the club and into the shadows.

Danni tried shouting but it was like one of those dreams where your cries become silent screams for help.

She caught sight of his face - it was definitely him. Danni was pinned against the wall, his hand covering her mouth. She felt tears pricking her eyes and she hoped to God Shannon wasn't too far away. Panic took hold as she struggled to breathe. "No," Danni's voice was muffled as his hands assaulted her body.

"Please no," she begged, tears streaking her cheeks. She felt her phone vibrating, giving a glimmer of hope. It stopped and then started to vibrate again.

Shannon pulled up just short of the club and killed the engine. His fingers drummed on the dashboard, remembering how worried Danni had sounded.

There was no answer from her phone, which was so unlike her. They'd only spoken ten minutes ago, so she couldn't have gone far.

Shannon opened the door and stepped out. It wasn't busy, so where the hell had she gone. It was just one long boulevard filled with fast food joints, neon lights and clubs. 'Why the hell had Danni come down here,' he wondered.

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