We all fall down (1)

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(Quick BTW i do already have this ove on Quotev and its under the same user name as well so dont be alarmed if you see the same book again over there.I Hope everone enjoys!)

Blue flames burn around her as the embers fell before her. Her red eyes watched in hopelessness, her arms wrap around her and fingers clutching onto the large, ripped jacket. The boy's cold blue eyes offer no peace, his mouth was moving but she couldn't hear any of the words he was saying. She look behind herself, she couldn't make out much but a bunch of human like figures moving quickly towards her. She moved her body, running forwards past the boy. He look to the mob of people and within just a second blast all of them with blue fire. She stop and listen to the screams of those burning in the scorching flames.

“Don't worry no one gonna hurt you Doll.” The smirk never once left his face. He held out his hand, and she gratefully took it. Red strings connected together, flowing around the both of them.

The Yaoyorozu mansion was honestly a lonely place. The empty hallways that were line with family portraits as well as priceless art pieces. A ballroom that seem to never be used. And of course a small family of four needs about 13 bathrooms. Even personal rooms seem to be grand, her own room included. She simply let a sigh and brushed her soft white hair to the side of her face, showing off piercing gray eyes. A white button down shirt hug her figure, and a simple black pencil skirt to tie the outfit together. Two pairs of shoes walk down the quiet hallway.

“Ah, it's your first day to U.A?” The white hair girl ask the black hair one.

“Um yes, thank you for remembering Ekisha.” the younger girl was clearly tense. Her normal happier self locked up for the time being.

“Momo, you'll do fine. You have been training for this since you have gotten your quirk. Plus I have foreseen it.” She gave the younger girl a small smile. “Also it'll help your confidence.” The older sister grab the younger one's hand, her gray eyes turn to red and a soft humming came from her. She drop Momo's hand and her eyes turn back to gray. She gave a small chuckle and walk a bit faster.

“Huh wait, what did you see?” She quickly caught up to the older one.

“Just the future.”

  Ekisha Yaoyorozu, she was just a rich girl. She wasn't anything special. That what I thought. I've never honestly love myself, never cared much about improving anything about myself. I've spent most of my time being alone, it wasn't my choice, most people stayed away from me. I wasn't my younger sister, beautiful and intelligent. And only three days before my 18th birthday, I was sitting in a spacious car with both my mother and father. Idle chit chat between them, while I was left to my own thoughts. I knew what was going on, but I choose to just simply look out the window and ignore everything going on.

“Ekisha, please do sit properly. I do not want to see you slouching on such an important day.” I straightened my posture as quickly as I could. “Thank you Dear, now I'm sure you are wondering as why we had you come with us.” Nodded confirming her question, keeping myself quiet in till needing to. “As you know we were looking into husbands for you and we do believe we have found the perfect man for you Deary.” I plaused, I knew this was coming, but why am I surprised.

“Thats...” I took another second to get the words in my mouth. “Wonderful, I'm sure you have found a Lovely Husband for me.” I gave a small fake smile and allowed her to go on. And I lost in thoughts, all alone.

He look like a normal adult male, early 20's. He was a somewhat chubby, but hidden rather well. He open my door and held his hand out to me, I took it and step out of the car. My black heels step behind him as he walk us around the large and quiet mansion.

“This place is quite amazing.” I lied, just so some kind of conversation could happen.

“Oh yes, we tried to model everything  from older European castles. Right down to the hallways of portraits.”

“Oh how lovely.”

“Yes it is, you should see the ballrooms. Actually we shall all see the the Grand ballroom.” He led us toward an open room, the floor was marble like with large columns made of pearl. The highest point was at least 4 stories above us. “My Lovely Ekisha,” I wasn't his. “Do me the honor and” he got down on his knees holding out one of the largest diamond rings I had ever seen. “Marry me?” I stayed quiet and just nodded. He slipped the ring onto my finger and suddenly I saw the future.

She watch the male before her begging, screaming and calling out for help but no one heard him. Another was with him, a male with such beautiful piercing blue eyes. He stood over the pleading man, no an ounce of pity for the man before him.  Behind him was my own self, my nude body hidden away by a simple black jacket. My hands clutched onto the jacket tightly, holding it as close as I could. A sudden burst of blue fire came from the blue eyed boy, and a rather sadistic smirk came onto his face. He walk slowly to the other male, his hand dangerously close the the crying male face. He lend down to the other's ear, whispering and then slowly placing his flaming hand onto the screaming male's head. Suddenly everything was burning…

As I woke up, I notice I was in a unfamiliar room and suddenly my skin felt like it was burning. The face of an elder lady came into my view.

“Ah, back with the land of the living.” She held up a small light. “Now let see,” she shown the light in my gray eyes causing me to blink. “Well you seem to be responding rather well for someone who fainted three hours ago.”

“H-How long?” I stutter out quietly.

“Three hours. Here I have some water, might need that.” I sat up as best as I could, taking the glass of water and drinking it quickly. “Your little fainting spell caused Master Nakamura a fright.” I look at her in question.

“Master? Nakamura?”

“Didn't your family tell you anything about the man you're to marry?” I looked down and shook my head.

“I'm Afraid not, I was told to just say yes.” She gave me a small pat on my head and then left me alone in the room. The bed was much bigger than my own, wrapped in such soft satin sheets. The room was plain and simple, white walls with a few flowers vase and desks around. The hickory doors open and came forth Nakamura. I didn't get much of a look at him earlier but now I could see him clearly. He was at least a few inches taller then me, with a undercut black hair cut, with some basic brown eyes.

“Its good to see you awake My Love,” he walk over to the bed and sat on the edge of it close enough to try to take my hand. “I'm I should have waited, you see Love I grew up with pictures and promises that you'll be mine once you turn 18. Your so quiet as well as obedient, you'll make such a beautiful bride.”

“I-I don't know anything about you.Not even a name.”

“Oh Love, you can simply call me your Prince.” He gave a small chuckle “Very well tho, My full name is Kosei Nakamura.” He took my hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss it.

“Thank You,” I looked around and then back to him “I was wondering when my parents would be back tho, I still feel tired from earlier.” He gave a much more sinister chuckle.

“I'm sorry Love but, you'll not be seeing them much over the next few months.”

It hit me, I was married off with no choice of my own. A sudden feeling of a string tying me to this man, the black string of despair and hate.

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