A Cold Defeat

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Somewhere upon the arctic snows of Icecrown Glacier; a defeated and bloodied Illidan Stormrage regains consciousness from a freshly fierce battle that occurred just hours before. Through his own spectral vision; Illidan looked upon far and high into the peaks of the Frozen Throne where he sees Arthas Menethil sitting upon the throne itself. Sensing that Arthas' own unholy powers have grown far too strong; Illidan realizes that he had failed on his mission, and that Arthas have finally become the Lich King himself. With the rest of the undead armies still lurking around the shadowed snows; the weakened demon hunter barely stands up onto his own feet and tries to move out from the area.

Illidan: "What?! How?! How was this even possible?! How was I beaten by a mere mortal human?! Damn you, Arthas! Curse you! You shall pay dearly for this! I swear, I shall have my vengeance!"

Severely wounded and weakened from his one-on-one battle against Arthas; Illidan tries to move as fast as he can back to the relative safety of his own camp. All of a sudden; a group of ravenous ghouls and abominations then came from out of nowhere and began to surround the demon hunter for an ambush. Despite his present injured and weak condition; Illidan stood his ground, readying himself to face the undead. At that moment, the ghouls and abominations began to assault Illidan.

Illidan: "Come forth you mindless wretches! You shall all perish by my own blades! Ash Karath!"

Illidan bravely faces off the undead warriors despite having a nearly depleted strength and magical energy. However, luck came to his side as Lady Vashj and a large force of naga warriors, consisting of naga myrmidons and snap dragons, arrive at the scene on a timely manner. Lady Vashj and her naga forces have been battling through multiple scattered groups of undead troops along their way as they have searched for their master upon the snows. Having finally seen Illidan, with his gravely wounded condition from his recent battle against Arthas; Lady Vashj and her naga warriors wasted no time as they quickly engage the undead warriors on a fierce assault in order to help their master.

Illidan: "Aarrghh! Die, you foolish mongrels! Vile dead creatures do not deserve to walk upon this world anymore! I shall put you all to your final rest, and rid this world from all of your foul stench!"

Vashj: "Lord Illidan! No! He is seriously wounded! Quickly my warriors, the master needs help!"

Coming to the aid of Illidan, the naga reinforcements of Lady Vashj outnumber the group of ghouls and abominations. Altogether; Illidan and his loyal servants battle, and destroy the group of undead warriors. At the same moment that the undead force have been defeated, Prince Kael arrives at the scene and helps Vashj upon escorting Illidan back to his main naga base in Icecrown Glacier. Upon reaching the base; Prince Kael and Lady Vashj quickly tend to the serious condition of their master.

WARCRAFT IV -- CHAPTER 1 PROLOGUE - A Desperate Escape (Naga Campaign)Where stories live. Discover now