Don't Want to Lose You

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Don’t Want to Lose You


You watched as your final Pokémon, your beloved Roseraid, fall as his Electivire took it down with one Fire Punch. You felt the built up hate gain another layer and you hung your head as you returned the female grass-poisen type to her Pokéball.

“Maybe if you try harder maybe, just maybe, you might win next time.” He taunted you. You felt a growl rise in your throat but wouldn’t become audioable as you turned on your heel and walked off to the Pokémon Center.

“Volkner again?” Nurse Joy asked. You nodded and handed her the Pokéballs and sat in a chair and waited. You were all too familiar with the process.

You had thought the Electric leader would be easy to beat, would fall like the other seven you had fought. Your rival, Lukas, had already conquered the Elite Four and Champion and had bought a villa on some island with all the money he had saved up. And you? You were stuck trying to beat the same. Damned. Guy. He made your blood boil to no end. There probably wasn’t even a word to describe how much you hated him.

After a bit of waiting you had your team back and fully healed and a thought crossed your mind as you walked out of the Center.

‘Why not quit?’

If you quit you wouldn’t have to see that jerk ever again. You stared at the ground as you had a mental debate and felt your legs walking you some place with your head hung. Soon you heard the sounds of waves crashing and the smell of the sea. This was a usual place for you to go whenever you lost to him.

You felt something stir in your throat and let out a frustrated scream at the sky and crumbled down to where you had your head buried in your knees. You felt so pitiful and you were sure your team was tired of not getting in a win. Would you give it all up?

You had you cocky starter, now an Infernape, that you chose because –let’s face it- you adored the little guy. Then your first two catches, your serious and stotic Luxray and your jolly natured Staraptor. Then your Budew, now your glamorous and somewhat diva Roseraid. Then the gift Pokémon you got from Bebe, a cute female Eevee that was now a hyperactive Vaporeon. And then your clingy Lucario you got as a gift as an egg from Riley. Your team had so many precious memories, how could you ever think of throwing everything away?

You heard footsteps approach you and didn’t look. You could tell by his aura that it was him. Everything was quite for what seemed like an eternity until you heard him clear his throat.

“Hey.” He greeted. You gave a disapproving grunt and you heard him chuckle. How dare he laugh at you in this state! “No need to be so mean.” He laughed.

“Go away.” You grumbled.

“I thought you would say that.” He laughed and you felt him put a hand on your head and ruffle your (h/c) locks.

“Don’t touch me.” You growled. “Can’t you just take a hint and leave me alone?!” You shouted angrily lifting your head and glaring daggers at him. His blue eyes were filled with shock. You stood up and finally got together the words you’ve been dying to yell at him.

“Why can’t you just let me win for once?! I’ve trained days on end, beating down any trainer I’ve come across, and I beat the seven before you, but yet you taunt me on how ‘weak’ I am!! I hate you so much there isn’t even a word for it!!! I HATE YOU VOLKNER!!!” You screeched at the top of your lungs. You felt hot tears drip down your face and fall to the sand below. “The reason I became a trainer was to prove all the boys wrong in my town. I wanted to prove a girl could become trainer and then even champion. Why? Why can’t you let me have that one thing?” You asked him wiping your face with the back of your hand.

Suddenly you felt someone wrap their arms around you in a tight and loving hug. It froze you in place at the sudden action. Then you realized Volkner himself was doing this.

“Because I don’t want to lose you.” He whispered.

“W-what?” You asked hiccupping slightly.

“When I first saw you walk into my gym, I felt my heart soar. You showed such enthusiasm while battling I just….I didn’t want to lose the only one who could cause the feeling. So I trained every day after we battled to get even stronger than I was. So I could keep you with me.” You felt something wet hit the top of your head and looked up. Volkner, the guy you hated, was crying.

“H-hey! D-don’t you cry!” You shouted worriedly. Why would he of all people cry?

“I’m sorry….I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” He kept apologizing. Suddenly, completely shocking you to your core, you felt something soft hit your lips. You looked and saw Volkner kissing you. You took a few seconds to register, and just as he was about to pull away, you pulled him back. When you parted for air you felt your cheeks heat up and puffed your cheeks.

“Idiot…You should have warned me.” You grumbled. He just chuckled and hugged you again.

“Sorry.” He apologized.

“…I still hate you.” You grumbled feeling your heart flutter as you buried your face in his chest.

“I love you too.” You heard him say making you blush more.

~Extended Ending~

“So how about next time we battle, I let you win?” he smiled.

“No way. It wouldn’t be fair.” You stated walking back to Sunny Shore.

“But I thought I heard you ask me to let you win?” he smiled at you.

“I was lying.” You grumbled.

“Then I guess you’ll never win.” He shrugged walking off.

“H-hey! I-I take it back! Y-you better let me win!! Are you even listening to me?!” You shouted racing after him.

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