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"I know you like me and I'm sorry to say this fullmetal but I don't like you back" Roy said glaring at Ed..
I'm sorry Mustang I understand sorry...
"you can go home fullmetal"...
Ya ok... bye
Ed was trying to hold back the tears he ran out of the room and back to his hotel.
Bastard!.. I guess I can't Force him to like me.
Ed was hurt so many thoughts were going through his head he wanted them to stop so he went to the bar nearby.
Two beers please
Ed took out his fake license and showed it to the bar tender.
"Coming right up"
The bar tender handed him two beers Ed grabbed the first one and took tiny sips from it until he finished and moved onto the second one.
~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~
Ed was seven beers in until he decided to go home he payed the bill and walked out he was really drunk.
We're am I!?...
Ed's vision started getting blurry...
Ed looked over to see Roy standing there
*Hic* go away *hic*
Oh god your drunk aren't you
Roy walked over to pick Ed
Don't *hic* fucking touch me!!
Ed clapped his hands and used alchemy to get Roy away... a giant pillar came from the ground sending Roy flying
God dammit Ed!!
Roy looked over to see Ed's pained face he was on the verge of crying.
"I know you like me and I'm sorry to say this fullmetal but i don't like you back"
Thoughts words that mustang had said spiralled in his head he started to feel dizzy at this point."
Roy walked away
Fine if that's what you want!
Two hours later Ed finally found his way to the hotel... know he had to find the room..
How could I forget my *hic* hotel room!
Ed stumbled around the hallways until finally blacking out.
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
Ed slowly opened his eyes to see he was in the hallway of the hotel.
How the fuck did I get here!
Ed walked to his room he felt horrible.
Hey al you here!
Oh my God where were you!! I was so worried!!
Sorry al...
Brother what's wrong...
it's nothing
Ed looked over at the time it read 10:30
Ed quickly grabbed some Tylenol
And his red jacket
See ya later al
Wait brother!!
He's been acting so weird I wonder what's wrong with him...

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