M x L

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Landynn wakes up from a 6 hour nap tied to a bed with no frame in a unknown location. Landynn vaguely remembers feeling woozy after drinking orange juice after mahana put a strange substances into the cup. A mysterious figure walks around the corner whip and toe. The mysterious figure walks into the dull light and Landynn recognizes it to be mahana. Mahana mutters the words, "I'm going to get what I want whether you like it or not."

Mahana starts slowly undressing Landynn, starting with the shoes going up.

After the clothing removal process is over, Mahana swiftly swipes the cloth that is sitting on a stand next to the decrepit bed. Mahana takes the cloth and briskly ties it around Landynns eyes, He's kind of into it. Mahana takes a candle that was sitting on the same stand as the cloth. Mahana grabs a light out of her front pocket and lights the candle, holding the candle over Landynn's chest, the wax dripping into his belly button (it's an innie so it works.) after the warm burning sensation inside his belly button stops, Landynn screeches in mild pain. Mahana says seductively "That's what you get, now you're gonna give me what I want, right?" Landynn still tempting to resist, almost gives in to temptation. Landynn sticks his dick aggressively into Mahanas pussy and she screams in pleasure. Mahana unties Landynn aNd Landynn takes his anger out on her cunt. Landynn falls asleep on Mahana and she soon follows.

Written by - Blake Bertram — Haley G——-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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