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I remember how I've read in the old books some detective-stories where someone's killing someone and then a detective or policeman find out who the murderer was. Well, and then the murderer becomes a prisoner and the story's ending. A happy end! Wohoo.
And now here I am, in the prison-room number 31 for trying to protect someone.
I totally remember that day... it was a mask-party in our section. The boys, Jasper Jordan and Monty Green (my best friends in crime) were totally excited about it. Don't ask me why, but I wasn't really in a party-mood on this evening.
So I stood beside the people who danced and laughed with Jasper who drank his drink definitely too fast. I remember how we grinned, and watched how Monty dances with his girl-crush from those days.
"Woah, who is that?" Jasper uncover his mask and stared at a brown haired girl with a blue mask, dancing happily around. I wanted to say he could go and ask her for a dance, but then I saw who that girl really was.
I knew her. It was Octavia Blake. I searched right off for her big brother Bellamy, but I didn't saw him. Why the hell was she here? Bellamy gave so much to hide her from everyone, because nobody can have two children on the ark, and now she was on a party dancing in the front?!
"I'll be right back.." I muttered and went straight to Octavia. Some people stared annoyed at me because I pushed them while they were dancing. In front of Octavia I grabbed her wrist and pull her to me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered and she stared at me, smiling. "It's my first time on a party, Ask! Oh my god, it's so fantastic!" She maded a round around herself and laughed. "Where is Bell?" I asked and stared at her, seriously. "By the entrance. Hey, come on, let's have a dance!" Octavia smiled und grab my hands, but I pulled mine softly back. "Later...maybe, wait here and watch out."
At the entrance, Bellamy saw me quickly and walked to me. "Askja-" but I interrupted him angrily. "What do you think are you doing? When someones find out who she is, she will be locked away before you can count to 10!" Bellamy saw to his sister and then to me. "Calm down, Fox" (I hate that nickname which he gave to me one day) "it's ok, all right? I have everything under control." he whispered and put his hand on my shoulder, like always when he wants me to calm down.
I wanted to say something against it, but the music went out. Then, some guys come, with these things which lasers our ID-Card, which everyone has on the ark.
Well, exept Octavia, of course.
Bellamy turned around, terrified. "Everything under control, huh?" I searched my way through the people who searched their ID-Cards out, with Bellamy on my side.
Well, from this moment on, everything has went too fast.
I remember how I beated a guardian to the ground, then a few seconds later, a terrible pain and then...darkness.

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