Untitled Part 1

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On the way to his new home, Percy meets many friends again. It's been years since he saw some of them and he's relieved to know they're fine. There are many people who do not know but that happens when you move to a new neighbourhood and Percy has never had many problems relating to strangers.
he crosses to Annabeth when she is a couple of blocks from the house and his friend starts crying when she sees him, hugging him so hard that it makes Percy feel alive.
- I missed you - the girl says, although it has been a long time ago. She has the same colourful dress Rachel gave her when she turned 25, although she was much younger than Percy remembered her.
I missed them all.
Annabeth looks at him with a frown, giving him a punch on the shoulder.
" You have not done something stupid, right? seaweed brain"
Percy can not help but roll his eyes at the implication, receiving another blow.
"Its impossible not to, even if I wanted to, you know perfectly well that I cant help it."
Annabeth laughs Percy realised how much he missed that laugh. His friend winks at him, nodding toward her new home.
 "I would tell you to hurry, it seems to me that there is someone who has been waiting for you for a while there."
Percy hugs her and legs it (runs as fast as he can) to his new home, so fast that in a normal situation he would have run out of air. The house is not very big, but it is quite beautiful(I typed buttiful). There are some blue flowers decorating the entrance and Percy seems a nice detail. With a tingling in the tips of his fingers he opens the door.
Inside, Nico looks up from the book he was reading, surprised to see him there.
"Hello amore. Did you miss me?"
Nico (looking 20 years old again)throws the book while he runs to hug Percy. They end up on the floor, kissing like two teenagers, laughing and crying. It had been almost two years since they had seen each other, and for Percy it was an ordeal every day.
"I can not believe you're here ... You look much younger" whispers Nico, stroking Percy(wtf my spelling is so crap I spelt perky) face, his eyes bright with tears.
"They all look much younger"
Nico laughs, kissing him again. I really missed his kisses.
"Eternally young, eternally beautiful..." says the Nico in a mocking tone."What happened to you?"
"The minotaur. I guess it was time for him to win, right?"
"How's everybody?" Nico asks, as they stand and go to the living room, sitting in the armchair as they have not done for a long time.
"Everyone is fine. They miss you, you know? Clarisse did not stop crying that day. Maria had to explain to the twins about life and death and... oh, right. Maria had another son."
Nico's smile widens, then turns sad.
"I would have liked to meet him."
"He's a beautiful boy. They Gave him your name, Nico."
Nico (his Neeks, whom he has missed so much) rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
"Poor boy."
"It's all your fault. You were the one who started the tradition of giving our children the name of their grandparents."
"Grandmothers. I would not have Named Damian "Hades" or "Poseidon", crazy."
"I really do not know how they gave us the abietite  to have children."
Nico laughs. They kiss for a little, as if they were teenagers again.
"Sure it was Rachel's idea." "Rachel! We have to go visit her later."
"Of course" says Nico, kissing him once more . "We have all eternity ahead."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   If you don't understand Nico died and went to Elysium and years later Percy got killed by ground beef.                                                                                                                                                                     please PLEASE comment to tell me if this is any good thx bye babs

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