1. Beginnings are always messy

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((Okay, first thing first, I don't own the Teen Titans.  Now that that's covered there are a few things you should know before you hate my story.  One, this is not solly about the Teen Titans, the titans are more of a launching ground for a new group.  Two, I changed the titans , and not for the better.  I made them worse so that the new group could emerge from their ashes.  Three, there are parings, if you don't like them, get over it, change them in your mind, it's not a big part of the story. And last but not least four, please give this story a chance and don't judge it by the first few chapters.  So enjoy and please tell me how to be better!)) 

I don’t know what they expected, but it certainly wasn’t this.  After two months we have finally been invited to visit the Titan’s Tower.  For the citizen’s Jump City this has been a confusing four months, in fact it’s been confusing for everyone here.  Out, coming, and staying has brought some stability back to the city, pulling it out of the confused haze.

                It all started four months back when both Raven and Starfire announced their pregnancies.  Their partners, Robin and Speedy, declared that neither of the girls could fight until after the children were born.  Some where in the first month Raven snuck out and brought Terra back from her death-like state (don’t ask me how, I wasn’t there and Raven wasn’t a cheery person before she was pregnant, you can imagine how she is while pregnant).  The Titans were also able to bring in Bumblebee to help compensate for the two lost titans.  And the soon the transition was complete and crime fighting was once again under way.  This would have worked out if it the boys had been able to keep their hands off, but alas, twas not to be.  A month later both Bumblebee and Terra too announced their pregnancies.  It was around this time that I arrived in town.

                The morning I walked out of the train station I could tell that this city was missing something.  The streets were empty except for a few people who I could feel were up to no good, ranging from basic criminals to corrupt business men to strait out super villains. I didn’t look any in the eye but I didn’t hang my head either.  The city has all but given up on their heroes and all the good people had either hidden away or gone bad. 

The heroes rarely left their island of isolation.  Criminals ran free on the street, the police in the city were weak from years of not being needed.  Now the police had to fight villains that the Titans themselves had had a hard time putting away.  The city was in a state of panic and hardly gave me a second glance when I looked them dead in the eye.  Everyone was terrified, normal city life was becoming next to impossible, and a new girl didn’t seem that threating compared to the chaos going around them.

I had a plan, I going to benefited from this chaos, I was going to be a hero.  I was a fire elemental, I was given the gift shortly after my birth, as I was dying.  Fire took pity on me and gave me the strength of the flame.  Unfortunately I was untrained and all the groups that could train me already had enough members and the ones that needed new members needed someone already trained.  Here was my opportunity though, this city needed someone and the Titans could train me, and by the time the children were born I would be trained and could find somewhere else to stay.  It wasn’t perfect but I was running out of time.

Step one to the plan though, I needed to get the attention of the Titans.  This wasn’t going to be easy though.  I wasn’t lying when I said that they hardly ever left.  In fact the only one who left on a regular basis was Robin.  And that was only once a month and if my math was right I just missed him.  The only other one who left was Cyborg, and he was the only one who still fought crime.  I don’t know what it was about fighting that drew him out, but it did and so when I saw Plasmis sloshing down the street I knew it was time to prove myself.

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