When we're gone

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When we're gone
When the human race ends
We'll all be dead. Everything we've built, everything we've strived for and created. Our lives, our families, our jobs. Our money, other people's money. Buildings, companies, all gone. Nothing left apart from crumbling ruins inhabited by monkeys, trying to replace the sentient beings that once stood in their place, trying to evolve to start a new race, perhaps less greedy, perhaps more intelligent. Think about the hundreds of languages, that have taken thousands of years to create and perfect. When we're gone, there'll be a safe, somewhere, buried deep underground, the owner and code holder of the safe long gone, the papers inside containing the last remains of an ancient language, barely visible, the top line reads "I pledge allegiance to the flag..."
Look on top of your wardrobe, and on top of your mantelpiece. In the small gap between the washing machine and the wall. You'll find dust. That's what you'll become, it's your destiny; and it's everyone else's destiny. In 1000 years there'll be hardly a trace of your existence.
There's no moral to this story, except to remember that you're lucky to be alive. Think that, 100 generations ago, your ancestor found a partner and had a child. Then this child grew up and had another child. Then 100 generations later, here you are with the same question- what happens when we're gone?
The truth is, no one really knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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