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I'm Leah, 15 years old and I get bullied in school. It all started in seventh grade, that means two years ago.

My class was just like every other class. There were some popular people, some normal people and the unpopular ones, who got bullied.

I never liked that. Why should you be one of the popular people? Well, my friend had another option, she always wanted to be popular.

She were the only friend I had, but she started bullying me, to be one of the popular ones. It got worse and worse since now and the Teachers don't care about it. The motto of the popular people:

You get bullied until you can prove, that you are cool.

Well, I never wanted to be one of them, so they started bullying me even more.

I was never interested in what others say or think about me. So it wasn't that bad for me. Sometimes it's really hurt me, what they are saying, but I hide it. If I would show it, it wouldn't get better.

I have no one, I can trust. Sometimes it doesn't matter, what others say and it even strengthens my self-confidence, sometimes it really hurts you...

Hii, this is my second Fanfic. I hope you like it!

Don't forget to hit the vote star!

Love y'all!!!

Xoxo H

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