chapter 1 x lovers

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WARNING cussing, violence, 18+ in chapter3 and  sexual things.


Jeff:*walking back to slenderman mansion*
Slender creeps up behind Jack and grabs him with his tentacle
Slenderman:I need you home we need to talk you been bidding something I know it...
Jeff tells him about not loving him anymore and has tears of blood
Slenderman:b baby no please stay with me my strong partner
Jeff :no...I can't this relationship is to much. You hurt kids right In front of me. You never let me walk anywhere without your permission and I can't kill unless I'm with your proxys YOUR PROXYS!
Slenderman: that way...just go..
Jeff: wh what?
Slenderman: JUST GO!
Jeff runs out of the mansion while running he falls on top of ej
Jeff trys to run of but hoodie grabs him
Hoodie: Your coming with me
Hoodie walk Jeff to his room and locks Jeff in there. Jeff just starts freaking out screaming punching his door and cutting himself in so many places. Ej was walking past jeffs room and saw to much blood and got the door open. He took Jeff outside to the river and helped his cuts and calmed him down.Jeff looked at ej and couldn't look away. They headed to slenderman mansion and ej put Jeff in the bedroom he locked the door and blindfolded Jeff
Ej:don't you dare try to look out of those blind folds
Ej took off his mask and turned on his fan he was sweating the room smelled like kidneys.
Jeff:so why am I in your room ?
Ej:I didn't want slender to force you back into your room I heard you two broke up so I knew something like with was gonna happen.
Jeff:why are you being so nice and careing for once?
Ej pause for a little and didn't want too reply but did anyways.   
Ej: I just felt like helping you since I don't want to hear screaming and yelling it pisses me off. I'm keeping you in my room till everything cools off.
Jeff:wait dose that mean
Ej covered jeffs mouth
Ej:no your sleeping on the floor I'll grab your blankets and pillows and I will hand you then
He put a his mask back on and unfolds his blind folds
Jeff: why do you never show your face too anyone??
Ej:I don't like showing my face to anyone. only one person was lucky enough to see it and that was slenderman.
He grabs Jeffs stuff and throws it at him Jeff makes himself a floor bed
Jeff:...well I guess morning
Jeff falls asleep and now ej can't sleep he didn't want Jeff to ever see his real face or anyone. For years he has kept his face unknown.Every night everyone would go to slenderman and ask what his face looked like. Slenderman didn't tell them anything it was private information that needed to be hidden
Jeff wakes up in tears
Ej:uh Jeff you ok ?
Jeff:n no....
Jeff felt very strange feeling his heart was pounding when he couldn't stop starring at ej. Ej shakes him roughly
Ej:what the hell man
Ej throws a mystery book at jeffs face Jeff instantly starts reading it. Ej is surprised by this
Ej:you like to read?
Jeff:ya I read murder mystery books that why I'm all interested to see under your mask. I wanna see the killer behind this mysterious mask
Ej just starts blushing
Ej:well your not gonna see it gay ass...
They both fall asleep
(That's all for this chapter hope you guys enjoyed my cringe fanficts chapter 2 will come out Idk when😅)

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