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Draco: Hello. the name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. is this Potter??

Harry: What do you want Malfoy?

Draco: I just want to have a friendly chat Potter.

Harry: Since when did you want to have a 'friendly chat' with me?

Draco: Since Granger informed me of a secret

Draco: one that we both share

Harry: What? What's the secret exactly?

Draco: Granger has informed me that you are gay.

and that is ok

Draco: she said she is sick of hearing you complain

that i will never like you

Draco: Potter???

Harry: Oh gosh, why did she have to do me like that...So what you are gonna do then with that information? Make fun of me?

Draco: why would i make fun of you.

like i said we have a shared secret

Harry: So, are you saying you're gay too?

Draco: the war is over Harry. im not the same anymore.

im done bullying. and that is exactly what i am saying

Draco: Potter??

Harry: Alright, then you gay for anyone specific? Like Blaise or someone?

Draco: blaise is with longbottom

Harry: Ah, right. Nevermind then

Draco: maybe i like a person

who just doesnt know how to die

Harry: Oh, is it someone I know?

Draco: you're an oblivious git

Draco: he has beautiful emerald eyes and sexy messy hair

Harry: Hey! I thought you were done with the bullying!

Harry: Well who is it? I don't know

Harry: Oh, OH ITS ME


Draco: how did it take yo so long????????

i literally climbed a tree to impress you

Harry: I thought you were just trying to be weird or something

Draco: nope. and dont forget when instead of sizing you up


Harry: I thought you were just mentally criticizing me or something though just very seductively.

Draco: how does that even make sense???????????


Draco: you are adorable

Harry: Oh shush

Draco: btw i have stopped styling my hair. it just does as it wants now

Harry: Oh? I heard your hair is curly, is that true?

Draco: yeah i straightened it because father made me.

i needed to look like a Malfoy not a Black

Draco: i went through so much hair gel

Harry: Ooooo, can I like..play with you curls? Are they soft?? I bet it's soft

Draco: of course lion

Draco: pansy says they are soft

Draco: she used to straighten them for me

Harry: Oooo, yay!

Draco: you are cute when you smile. Granger sent me a pic

Harry: No I'm not... I... I have to go

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