Sky Battle

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"We are the list line of defense between the human world and the digital world, so if you want to save both worlds than stand up and FIGHT." Takato stated.

"BIOEMERGE ACTIVATE," Shouted the group.

Guilmon bioemerge to...
Terriermon bioemerge to...
Renamon bioemerge to...
Monodramon bioemerge to...
Kokuwamon bioemerge to ...
Lopmon bioemerge to...
Warmongering bioemerge to...



18 months earlier

"Takatomon I'm hungry," whined Guilmon. "It's only another half mile to the bakery, just be patient." Groaned Takato.

They look to their left and see Calumon wandering the bushes, "Hey Guilmon let's see how our training has been going along." Suggested Takato.

"Digi modify, Crystal Matrix digivolution activate."

Guilmon Crystal Matrix Digivolve to...


Takato hopped on the dragons back and they began to fly, "Yamaki said there's an Eaglemon flying around, I wonder if we can defeat it.," Takato said, "Let's just hope training with Cyberdramon and Ryo helped." 

"Had the same idea as me pineapple head," said Beelzemon flying next to them, "Let's make it a contest of viruses."

Megidramon chuckled and began to fly a double the speed, "How's it hanging back there Takatomon?" Asked Megidramon.

"I'm good, don't you have like a crazy sense of smell or something?" Takato asked.

Megidramon grinned and began to follow the scent Eaglemon. As soon as they found it Takato commanded, "Unleash fury." 

"Dragon Howling," cried the dragon Releasing it's devastating howl. Eaglemon fell out of the sky as Megidramon chased after it, "Flaming Skewer." The dragon's tail erupted in flames as it stabbed it's tail into the mighty eagle. "Megidramon, finish this, Dragon Flame." Commanded Takato. 

"Dragon Flame!" cried Megidramon releasing a combination of attack from its maw. Eaglemon simply flinched and the attack immediately deleted him.

"Don't absorb the data, we got that data transformer now, Takato took the device and caused the data to become a simple card."

"Yamaki this is Takato," stated Takato through his communicator he got, "Eaglemon has been defeated."

Megidramon reverted to normal a immediately said, "I'm hungry." "Guilmon, did you seriously forget about this," Takato showed Guilmon a card, "We know how this works now."

"Digi Modify, MagnaAngemon's  Gate of Destiny activate", Takato said, " As long as were Bioemerged we won't get hurt. 

Guilmon bioemerge to... Gallantmon

They went through passing by many powerful Digimon Piedmon, Arcadiamon, Vilemon, Even a couple of VenomMyotismon all just stare at the passing Digimon as he goes through the portal  ending up in the living room.

"Hey Takato," said a Digimon, it was his mothers, she found it outside in the rain, "Hey BlackGatomon,"  said Takato. His dad was on the couch reading a newspaper with Labramon at his feet, "Hey son, why are you bioemerged?"  

"Portal." Gallantmon explained dedigivoliving.

"Ah, Dinners ready." "OK." Takato said running to the table. Labramon and BlackGatomon went to their food bowls Guilmon went to the place for the day old bread, while the family ate peacefully.

"So, Takato how's 'Special Training" been going Takato?" Asked his mother. 

"Great actually, we beat Eaglemon in battle and Beelzemon in a competition."

"That's great eventually you'll be good at the actual thing that you can beat Ryo in the card game."

"That would be cool, Hey mom why don't you ever Digivolve BlackGatomon, and Dad why not you Digivolve Labramon?

"Seasermon looks weird," said Dad

"Same with LadyDevimon," Said mom.

Dinner was over and Takato headed to his room.

He saw BlackGatomon and Labramon walk into his parents room, as he was drifting off to sleep.
Sleep. Sleeeee-.

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