Truth be told

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Authors note: This idea came to mind one afternoon, after thinking how much friendship really means. This story is based on close friendship and coming to terms with the truth. I hope you enjoy!

- Rosie xx

"I was 12 I remember it clearly. My best friend was Max, Max Collins. He had been my best friend since kinder garden. We did footy, cricket and triathlons together. We did everything we were inseparable" I told the councillor. "Anything else?" she asked. "No". "How but the final day? Do you remember it?" I really hated it when she asked this question because she knew I always knew the answer. I always have to explain it every session. "It was a Sunday afternoon. Our families had decided to go down to the beach to get fish and chips together since my sister Miranda and Max's brother Sam had announced it was their one year anniversary of dating each other. Even though they were only sixteen we all thought it was worth celebrating. Max and I played cricket on the sand for a while until we decided to go out and swim to the sand bank. We swam there and started to play with a tennis ball until I threw to far that Max had to swim a little further and get it. He swam there until a large wave came over. After that I never saw Max's face again. He drowned the next thing I knew I was screaming, crying and swimming wildly to save Max and get help. An ambulance flew over and Max was rushed to hospital. Max died trying to be saved in the hospital. I have never forgiven myself for throwing that ball."

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