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"'I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.'

I never thought that 6 years later, those words would still haunt me. Potter, that man. Actually, he's still a boy.

Either way, he acts like one.
Anyway, I just can't believe that all of this is happening. Here, allow me to evaluate.
Basically, I'm stuck here with that nitwit for winter break.

My father wanted to 'Get to know' Harry. Of course, Harry having no where else to stay besides the castle, gladly accepted. Well. Not very gladly. It took a lot of ripping his parchment in order for him to accept staying at my home.

I, on the other hand, am not excited in the least bit of his visit. Not only that but he's across the hall from me.
The only reason I'm not sleeping in the wine seller is because I may at least hear him cry in failure. (rude)

Any way, what do you think about this, Loyalty?"

The brown and black spotted owl squacked in return. As if the creature somehow gave to greatest advice in history, Draco smiled widely and nodded. "Thank you, I-" he was cut off, "DRACO!" his father yelled from down the hall.

Draco groaned in annoyance, "yes father!" he shouted back.
He quickly tidied up his room and looked in the mirror for one last time. He frowned and straightened his black tie, (Which of course was matched with an all black suit. He felt as if it was necessary to wear it when he was in the presence of his parents.)
The pale boy quickly nodded at his reflection and began to make his way downstairs.

Only after about five minutes of waiting in the entrance hall, Draco and his father could hear timid knocking on the front door.
The quiet knocking may have been due to the fact that it was a solid and sturdy door, but Draco could most definitely tell it was due to the fact of Porter's nervousness.

Lucius swiftly unlocked and opened the door. Potter had only a small suit case and of course, Hedwig and her cage. The boy's eyes widened as he looked up at the tall blonde male. This had been the first time seeing a glimpse of inside the mansion.
Of course, there were rumors that inside the house there were snakes and dead bodies everywhere. However, this was not true. Everything was tidy and neat, it felt comfy but at the same time, everything looked too fragile to touch.

"Hello, Potter." Lucius said in a strangely welcoming tone.
"T-Thank you for inviting me sir, it was very generous of you." Potter mumbled.
He had never been afraid of the Malfoy's, but this, this is their territory.

Draco stared at the brown haired boy, inspecting him. Of course, Harry was wearing an ugly brown sweater with a tie underneath. Draco couldn't also help but notice the rip on the boys trousers, directly on his knee. You would expect such a 'famous' boy to at least wear decent clothes, but Harry never cared for his appearance. He only cared of what he thought of himself.

Lucius opened the door wider, signaling for Harry to step inside.
Harry gulped quite loudly and slowly made his way through the entrance.
Draco quickly snapped his fingers and seemingly out of no where, a maid shuffled over and grabbed Harry's bag and Hedwig.
"Please do be careful with him, his wing is torn." Harry mumbled anxiously.
The maid nodded and swiftly made her way upstairs to where Harry was staying.

The silence seemed endless until Lucius spoke up.
"Dinner is in 30 minutes. Draco, I want you to lend Harry one of your suits."
"B-But father-" The blonde boy complained.
"Now." Lucius voice was stern, Draco quickly got the hint and lead Harry upstairs.

Harry followed as fast as he could. Suprisingly, Draco was a very quick walker. The boy did his best to keep up at the very least, not alone trip and slam his face onto the dark oak stairs.

They had reached the second floor. Draco walked over to the end of the first hall, to his room. He put his hand on the door nob and glared over at Harry, "Do not touch anything."

Harry nodded as Draco opened the door. The room was neat, Draco's owl's cage was kept tidy as well. Everything seemed to be perfect, but not everything is how it seems.

Draco huffed and walked over to his closet and began going through his dress clothes. He smirked and threw a wooden hanger at Harry. Attached to the hanger was a suit, all black of course.
The Malfoy's had a strange obsession with the color black, but I think we all know why.

Harry nodded and held on tightly to the Hanger, "Where do I change?".
Draco sighed in annoyance, "Across the hall in your room, dimwit."
Harry glared at the blonde male and made his way to his own room.

About 25 minutes of Harry unpacking and getting ready, the boy was set.
Malfoy was waiting in the Hall, impatiently, tapping his foot.
He suddenly heard the quiet noise of an opening door.
It was Harry.
Something about seeing harry in that suit, made his heart begin to make it beat faster. Time froze, or it seemed as if it did.
'No,' Draco thought to himself 'Do not.'

Harry looked at Draco, confused at the look on on the boys face. "What?" Harry asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.
"N-Nothing." Draco shook his head and straightened his tie, "Follow me."

The two made their way to the dinning room. Waiting for them was a feast, along with the Malfoy family.
Harry blinked in amazement, 'This food is probably better than the stuff at Hogwarts!' He thought.

After overcoming his amazement, Harry looked up. Lucius nodded, signaling for the boys to sit.
They both understood and sat down, on opposite sides of the table.

After what seemed like an eternity, Lucius lifted up his wine glass.

"So Harry," He sipped the red liquid, "Tell me about your home life."

(To be continued.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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