Chapter 1

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As India inserted her identity card into the regulatory security hatch, she composed herself, ready for another hard day at the place she calls work.

As she listened to the conversations of modern businessmen and women on her commute to her workplace, she couldn't help but envy their safe passage through life, only having to obsess over "Project deadlines" and "Christmas party drama".

Her envy soon turned bitter as she stole glances at their stressed faces. They did not know the real meaning of stress.

As obvious as it is, India hated her job. Yes there was the odd thrill of saving a life or finding something important, but other than that it was Hell.

The Doctor has never considered the scars he causes on this earth, so it was their job to correct things. As India cleared security she glared up at the establishment name emblazoned on top of the archway to her office; The Nurses.

Yes it's kind of joke, The Doctor and The Nurses. With a sigh she noticed the tinsel scattered in odd places on the ceiling; yes it was Christmas and for many that was a happy time but for the nurses it's tense. The Doctor always makes an appearance at Christmas and they always have to prepare for the worst.

Snapping out of her thoughts India recovered her mask void of emotion and continued to the conference room, where she had an meeting to attend. The office was quiet, it was Christmas Eve of course it was quiet India thought bitterly.

Only top personnel were in today. The real work started after the disaster caused by the doctor himself has been raised.

Once a long time ago, an intern asked a very valid question "Instead of clearing up the mess, why don't we stop it from happening?"

As soon as India heard him utter the words she knew he was long gone, but the question still sparked interest inside her, as this question had struck her many a time.

And many a time she would receive the answer from her hard talking boss Ana; "The Doctor cannot be stopped, as he is a destroyer; the best we can do is restore ourselves and our dignity." Anger was evident on her tongue as she spoke his name, like dirt on her shoe.

Nearly everyone at the Nurses Institute had encountered The Doctor in some way, and each despised him greatly. India had not encountered him herself but her mother had perished after the Cyberman regime hit the earth.

They invaded their houses, cornering their families and no sign of The Doctor. India would not bow under their reign and stood up to the invader of her home.

"What are you" she had screamed, tears streaming down her face, her mother rocking in the corner.

"I am Cyberman" it replied. "You are weak- you're emotions hold you back- we remove emotion, you will be strong."

"Yeah" India replied, seeing red. "Well remove this" she had grabbed the vase to her right and slammed it into the intruder. It did not flinch, or show pain.

It turned towards India and she knew she was dead. "Assault is futile- you shall surrender in death." it reached out to her and India closed my eyes, greeting death. But all India heard was a scream and a movement from her left.

She opened her eyes to see her mum crumple to the ground dead. She had screamed, such a pained scream until there was no voice left.

Her mother, sacrificed her life for her stupidity. The Cyberman left then to never return, but India saw nothing but her mothers cold face. She sat there until the Nurses came. They offered her refuge and she accepted; she had nothing else to live for.

Since then she had been fed the stories of the Doctor and the many species and planets across the stars. She started work in the field at 16.

Seeing a dead body at such a young age had made her immune to death, so each body she came across in the field had no effect. India knew she was scarred but held onto the only thing she knew; work. Soon she was promoted to the top, but the things she had seen could not be erased and could do nothing but strengthen the hate she felt towards the doctor.

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