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"Prince Midas... Prince Midas wake up." *Yawns*

" Yes Silvia I am awake."

Prince Midas awakens and exits bed than continues to the wardrobe.

"What shall you wear today Prince Midas."

"Enough of the formality you have been my head maid for a year, and you are my closest friend."

"Sir as your head maid it is my duty to speak to you with the most respect. Also may I add only friend to your statement."

"Tst whatever Silvia and you know why I have no friends but other so what should I wear today."

Silvia walks around the wardrobe than presented a black dress shirt with silver lining and a silver buckle belt and two different holsters. One for a sword the other for a pistol also choosing black pants and black silver lined shoes.

"We're going black today huh." Yes Prince Midas you look quite powerful in black and plus this outfit provides great mobility. Now than let's get you changed."

Midas quickly jumps away from Silvia.

"Please Silvia we have been over this. I am 16 I can dress myself."

Silvia uses her ability to quickly teleport behind Midas and forcefully remove his shirt. ( Script name: Blink, Blink's process is a quick teleport that has no cooldown type effect but has limited range and using it too much causes temporary nausea and bad headaches.)

"Please my Prince you know you can't get away from me so just relax."

Prince Midas starts to leap from wall to wall around the room trying to escape Silvia but his speed proved no match within five minutes of chasing Midas, Silvia had completely changed his clothes. Silvia proceeds to smile at Midas

" See my Prince was that so hard. Although it would have been much easier if u had stood still."

Midas sits realizing just how fast Silvia is now.

"Wow Silvia soon enough your skill will be that of a royal, but thats good I need an actual challenge."

"Well sir, even then I still can not hold a candle to you. Only one in the kingdom who can even spar you is the King, your brother. Yes and today is the day I have been waiting for Silvia. I will finally overthrow my worthless king of a brother."

Silvia's eyes fix on Midas's serious attitude and his eyes full of purpose and resolve.

"We're leaving grab me a pistol and a katana and make sure they can handle large amounts of Alpha energies."

Silvia goes into the arsenal while Midas waits at the door. Silvia returns with with a red hilt with a black cloth in a diamond design and a red Alpha energy pistol.

"Lets go Silvia!"

Not living in the castle because of refusal to have any ties  to the King or royal statues. Midas and Silvia marches over in front of the castle where they are stopped by the gate guards.

"Proof of identity please."

"My name is Midas Delavor Zion younger brother to King Roger Nathaniel Zion is that enough to identify me."

"Yes Prince Midas, but I'm sorry to say no one is allowed in the castle because of a royal counsel meeting."

"I see thank you for informing me of this... Silvia."

Silvia nods understanding what he wanted and teleported behind the guard and knocked him out. Midas than cut the gate to make an opening.

"Guess we're going in loud."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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