7 years old.

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Dear diary, When I was 7 years old I was going through the "princess" phase. I would always ask my mom for only pink things. I remember when she got me a doll for my birthday, it was an "American Girl" doll.

A month after my birthday my grandmother passed away. That was when life hit me. I came out of my phase and became depressed at a young age. My grandmother was like a mother to me because my real mom would always go out drinking.

When school came around my friends had abandoned me. A week later I met my best friend, Rosè. We did everything together. I remember our first sleep over, it was at my house. We watched movies, played games, and went to the skating rink. Later on she moved to Arizona and I was really sad.

By the time I knew it, the new year came. I had a lot of friends and was in the drama club. The drama club was my safe place even though I would always play a tree.

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