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My first thing that I absolutely hate.

Seriously, this pisses me off.

When in bully stories, the protagonist gets called a slut or whore for no reason.

These people know the actual definition of slut and whore, right?

I'm assuming not.

If you actually labeled them those labels for a reason, you would most likely mainly label them as only those two terms, and maybe a couple of others.

You don't just randomly call them a slut or a whore, unless you actually reason why they are one of those terms.

Like, if you're going to make a story about bullies, if people call characters slut or whores, at least have them spread rumors about why they have that label!

For example:

'Margret glanced at me while whispering to her asshole of a friend.
Her friend looks over at me with shocked eyes.
"I knew she was a terrible person, but who thought she would sleep with your boyfriend?!"
My eyes were on the verge of tears.
A couple hours later, the rumor spread.
I began getting glares that told me I'm a terrible person.
Paper balls were getting thrown at me that mainly said "Slut" or "whore".
I wanted to fucking die.'

Something like that, y'know?

Anyways, that's that.

I feel like some of you can get where I'm coming from?

Well, bai!

my little rant bookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ