A Perfect Place

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I stop and take a look at what life has given me.

And what all it has yet to send.

I think of who I will be

But will this all really matter when I reach the end?

I think of all the struggles that I face

To finally find my perfect place.

To say I fit in.

In this world full of sin.

To say I actually mean something.

To Prove I mean something.

I know I have so much to live for.

To show the world what I'm capable of.

But I fight against myself in an everyday war.

Showing that's it too much and too rough.

I see a bright future right infront of me.

It's all I ever wanted.

But here society is, standing in the way.

Telling me that I'm unwanted.

If my skin is too white,

If I don't have perfect sight,

If I don't know how to fight,

Then nothing will go right.

But when is someone going to say society is wrong?

I know I've got to stay strong.

But not everyone understands this.

It happens everyday.

Girls and Guys hiding in the corners.

They don't know what to say or do.

They practically label themselves as everyday mourners.

They find no reason for life.

But they find every reason to use a knife.

If their skin isn't right.

If their clothes are too tight.

If they're not the perfect height.

If they can't put up the fight.

They will immediently fill with freight

And look for anyway to go into the white light.

They label themselves by how others see them.

They don't fuss or discuss it.

It's natural for the human race.

But other than society,

What other obsticals will you have to face 

Before you find your perfect place?

You tell yourself everything is fine.

The words won't hurt you this time.

If you keep your mouth shut

You won't come out like you're whining

But what if I told you

There's always a silver lining?

There's a way to get rid of some anxiety

To quit caring about society.

It's very likely

That down the road

It will change your life more than slightly.

It's to tell yoursef you are worth so much more.

It is your time to soar.

Everything about you is fine

It's up to you to draw the line

Between society

and reality.

It's time to make your own decisions

And to finally show people your visions.

Don't let society take you for granted.

You, my friend, are enchanted.

Darling, You aren't more than a handful

You're beautiful.

No skin is just right.

There is no perfect height.

I know everyday you put up a fight.

Just sit tight.

Everything will be alright.

Live life at your own pace.

Sooner or later you'll find your perfect place.

I'm still looking for mine.

But I know it will come with time.

I just have to be patient.

But I know I'll find my placement.

And. You. Will. Too.

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