Lazy Sunday morning wake up with (NSFW themes) Frank Castle X Reader

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Frank walked into the bar and scanned over the area and put a hand in his front pocket, he walked in and went to the stools at the bar and sat down with a sigh and raised a hand "Can I get a beer please?" He called out the barkeep nodded and went to grab a beer and quickly slid it down the counter and Frank caught it and quickly used his other hand to open it and set it down and took a swig

(Y/N) had been there with some friends a couple minutes before Frank came in, just near the dance floor and was talking with a few of said friends as she danced a bit, you glancing over at Frank when he came in curiously though.

Frank sipped his beer and set it down running a hand through his hair and turned to look around the bar to keep an eye out on if anything were to happen,
(Y/N) thought for a moment before deciding to go and try to talk to him, going over to the bar by the chair next to him "This seat taken?" Frank looked at you  with a soft smile "No, go right ahead" he said and turned back in his seat picking up his beer, You were suprised by his voice, just taking a moment before moving to sit down "Thanks."

"I don't own the place, couldn't have stopped you anyway" he said and looked at youfrom the side, You shrugged a little "S-still nice to ask.." "Good point" he nodded and took a drink and turned in his seat to look at you as he quickly scanned you and looked into your eyes, You blushed a bit but looked back into his eyes "So.. w-whats your name big guy?" He looked at you and raised an eyebrow at the big guy comment "Names P-" he paused "Frank" You giggled sofltly but nodded "I'm (Y/N).  Nice to meet you Frank." "(Y/N)" He said and looked at you and adjusted in his seat "That's an pretty name" he smiled, Your blush grew a bit at him saying your name but smiled at him "Thanks.. what was with the P at first? Embarrassing nickname?"

"Um. Have a bit of a trust thing with people often go with a different name when I meet new people." He said and looked away, You nod a bit "Edgy.. but cool" you say before leaning onto the bar a bit, He looked at you and chuckled "Guess you could say it's Edgy" he said and set down his empty bottle and looked at the counter and then back at you, You hummed a bit and watched him "So what is it you do Frank?" He thought for a moment "Construction mostly" he said put a hand in his jean pocket, You nodded a bit "Mostly. What's your other job then?" He looked at you "I work with law enforcement every so often" (Y/N) nodded "Like an on and off cop?" You hummed, He hummed in agreement and raised a hand and waved to the barkeep and pointed at his drink and got a thumbs up, after a bit he got another beer.

You nodded a bit "Got it.." you say before glancing around "You here with anyone copper? Or is it just you?" He moved and quickly opened it and took a swig "Nah. Just here with my beer" he smirked "What about you? You here with any lucky fella or gal?" He questioned, You chuckle softly but shook your head "A few probably shitfaced friends.. but noone special.." He nodded and smiled at you "You got any plans after this?" He questioned and leaned an hand on your thigh and looked into your eyes, "Hm.. going home with a Frank." You giggled a bit, lightly blushing at his hand, He chuckled lightly and squinted his eyes slightly and licked his lips "is that so?" You nod a bit "Now are we going or you gonna just keep staring?"

You hum, moving a hand to his and moved his higher up on your thigh, "Oh I gotta impatient girl on my hands don't I?" he said under his breath and rubbed his thumb against your thigh with a smirk, You giggled softly "Maybe.. surely a big guy like you can handle it? Right?"

"Oh I think I can handle it" he smiled and stood up pulling out his wallet and paying for his drinks before he looked at you with a smirk "come on." You stood and waved bye to your friends before moving to follow him, "Attagirl" he called to you and walked to the door and opened it for you as you made your way to his place.

You giggled but thanked him and walked out before following him, After some time you made it to his apartment and he unlocked the front door letting you walk in first and closed it behind them, You walked in once you got there and glanced around curiously, He noticed this and he sat down to unzip his combat boots and watched you intently, You just looked back over at him after a bit and sat your bag on the table, He smiled at you and stood up and pulled off his green and grey colored flannel and set it on the couch and rubbed his upper arm.

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