Where am I?

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Author's note: that's my first time I write a story in English, so if there are mistakes in grammar and spelling, have mercy with me. And you always can write in the comments if there is a mistake. I would be happy if someone does that. Also be free to tell me what you think about my story.
So I have talked enough know, so onto the story.


My head. It hurts like hell. And I don't know why. Am I know one of those poor people who were plagued with migraine? I hope not. It's enough that my shitty eyes always let me want to rib them out of their pockets. At least my glasses let the pain be a bit acceptable. Without them I would really want to rib my eyes out.
But I am babbling again. So my friends are right. My thoughts always jump from one point to another just like grasshopper. OK now my brain is really awkward. I mean how do I came to a grasshopper?
Just in that moment I hear them chirp around me. Wait chirping grasshoppers? Were the hell am I?
I open my eyes. Uhh to much light. That's bright, but why and how? My room should be dark as the night with the curtains on my window.

In the time my brain needs to progress that I am not in my room, my eyes are used to the bright light.
And what I see brings me the largest shock I ever had. I am in a forest. In a damn forest. How did I end here?
I doesn't remember to going out and be that drunk to go into a wood. And there's really nothing that looks familiar to me.
That's when I realize that I don't know where I am. I have no clue how I ended up here. And then the shock came over me.

All I can do is sitting on the floor, and staring at a tree. Just what should I do? I'm not fit to surviving there. What plants are eatable? I have no fucking idea.

I don't know how long I sit there on the floor, grumbling and ranting about how life can be so unfair, when I heard something. My body was scared, with the uncertainty who or what there is. My only thoughts are 'I don't want to die, I want to live.'
"Hello, who are you?" a blonde boy ask me. He came out of nothing, therefore I can't blame for my action. Because he shocked me so extremely, when I am alone in the wilderness and be on alert the whole time, that I punch him in his stomach.

"Ouch, that hurts." he winced. Still shocked I look with wide eyes at him. I mean, what does he expect. He came to me without that I expected that.
"You came out of nowhere, you can't blame me when I just defend myself." I explained my actions, my voice getting louder with each word I say. The stress of the last hours finally getting on my nerves.

"Mah, mah. You don't need to shout." a deep and yet calm voice stated behind me. I slowly turn around and all my brain can think of was... nothing.
His gray hair look like it has never heard anything about gravity. His face was covered by a mask and a headband who he has over his left eye.
The man before me was tall and slender. But I can see the muscles. They stated the fact that he trains a lot. And his aura was calm but there was something dangerous under the calm one. He reminds me of cats. Those animals were calm and collected just to attack in the next moment. He looks dangerous, but at the same time I doesn't feel like I am his enemy. So I relaxed. At least a bit. You never knew what they would or can do.

He looked ad me with an amused expression, or that's what I think with only seeing one eye. That's when I see that there were also two children behind him. The boy look like he wanted to be somewhere else. He's aura seems so cold. He really creeps me out a bit. The girl on the other side seems nice. She seems like that she's more afraid of me that I am of her. Strange.

But the two kids have the same symbol on their headbands as the blonde and the man. What the meaning of it is? Maybe they are some gang and I am in their territory. That would be bad, really bad.

"... Have you listened to me?" Huh, I was again far away with my thoughts.
"Sorry no, that's a bit to much to take in at one time." My words earn only confused expressions of the four. "I asked you were are you from. What village do you come from?"
"Oh, I am from Mugi" *
"Mugi you say? Never heard of it, but then you are not a shinobi." the gray haired means to me. No it was my turn to be confused. A shinobi. I know what they are but I thought they were mere history of my country
"So you can't say me where to go, to come home?" That's a disaster. I was near to a breakdown when I feel a hand on my shoulder. The gray haired look at me. "You can come with us, and stay in Konoha until we know how you get to your home. Is this okay with you?" "Yes, thank you." I bowed for him to show him my thanks. Besides what should I do? I don't even know were I am or how I should survive on my own.
"OK, since you came with us we should introduce ourselves. My name is Hatake Kakashi." "My name's Uzumaki Naruto, and I'm gonna be the Hokage, believe it." Hokage? What's that? Nah, I will know it when the time comes.
"Hello, my name is Haruno Sakura, nice to meet you." the pinkette says friendly. "Uchiha Sasuke" Wow, just wow, he's really a chatterbox, note the sarcasm.
"Well, nice to meet you all, my name is Suzuki Asami."

* it's an actual town I just randomly picked a name from Japan

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