Chapter 1

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*Xephos's POV*

Tests - over!

I heaved a sigh of relief and sagged back in my chair. I had just finished the last exam of the year and was currently sitting in Mrs Wilson's class on a Thursday.

"Well that will be all guys! well done on completing the last exam of the year, i hope you did well! You can pack up now." My chemistry teacher explained happily.

I jumped out of my seat, eager to get to my locker. Grabbing my stuff and shoving it in my bag, I sprinted out of the classroom. Sure, mrs Wilson was an amazing teacher, but god did her classroom smell. It was probably all the Jocks deoderant or someting. I think it's safe to say i don't fit in that popularity category.

Ah, yes, where are my manners? I'm Xephos Brindley, messy brown hair, hazel eyes, co-host of a small gaming company me and my friends have started, lover of bee's and light, hater of a certain Nilesy McKay. I wasn't popular, i wasn't a rebel, I wasn't even that clever, but I wouldn't change anything for who I was. As I reached my locker, and had started to put my books away the principals voice boomed out on the speakers.

"Hello students of Yogscast High,"

Well this was odd, we didn't usually have announcements at this time.

"I would like to announce a special meeting forming in the main hall at your next period. I want all members from sector 4 to meet there, with your notepads. Don't be late."

And the mic cut off.


Yeah, I know it's short, but this is my first book! I just wanted to write a yogscast fanfiction that wasn't about getting adopted. So I hope you all enjoy and leave a comment if you wish!

Lucy xxx

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