Default Title - Write Your Own

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Ok, so if you have ever seen the Clone Wars, then you will recognize all of these characters. I cannot wait for the next season!!! I went through many different ideas of what this story could be about. This is my first fanfic, a one-shot no less. Enjoy! :)

Anakin's p.o.v.

They were dropping like flies out there. He could not see anything through the dark of the night, but Anakin could feel their life forces fading through the force. Obi-wan and him were on a ship with reinforcements for a mission that was supposed to be easy. But he has learned that in the life of a jedi nothing is easy. The mission had turned out to be a trap set by Count Dooku. Anakin was getting really annoyed with that man. Every time that Dooku had tried to kill Obi- Wan or him, they always got away- honestly, this was becoming a regular thing. The ship turned so sharply that Anakin would have fell out of the shuttle if his master did not grab his arm to steady him. This time he had his young padawan with him (he ordered her to stay with Captain Rex until they got back, so Ahsoka was going to help the clones fend off the droids). Mace Windu had ordered Anakin to take Ahsoka with him and he didn't dare disobey a member of the council. Well, that's not completely true, he disobeys Obi- Wan all the time- he thought with a smile on his f- BOOM! He was pulled from his thoughts by an explosion way to close to the ship. "Obi-Wan we have to get out of here, NOW! ", he yelled over the roar of the battle. The clones jumped out of the ship at once after he said that, because unlike Anakin they couldn't disobey their superiors. Once they made it to the ground, they fanned out across the battlefield to act as backup for Obi-wan and him. He and Obi-Wan searched across the open battlefield for any advantage points- or Dooku for that matter-, while trying to dodge or reflect shots from the opposing team. After what seemed like a lifetime they finally found Dooku; and it seemed as though the Count was waiting for them. " He we go again", Anakin muttered. "Well, Dooku what do you want this time, control over this star system or to try and turn the people of this planet to the separatist alliance, cause that's going so well", Obi-wan said. "Oh, no, Master Kenobi I am not here on account of my own needs, but on account of my master", sneered Dooku. "And now what does this master of yours want"?, Obi-wan implored. "Some precious cargo along with someone I see no importance in, but clearly my master does, so I will deliver to the best of my abilities", Dooku said. Obi-wan's eyes lit up with knowing, for reason(s) Anakin did not know. Sometimes he wished he could read his masters thoughts. Anakin could feel waves fear through the force and he thought it was his own so he just let it go.

Little did he know that it wasn't his fear at all.

Obi-Wan's p.o.v.

" And now what does this master of yours want"?'', he implored. "Some precious cargo along with someone I see no importance in, but clearly my master does, so I will deliver to the best of my abilities'', Dooku said. 'Oh,no' Obi-wan thought. He noticed that Dooku was glaring at Anakin when he said that. He knew he had to get Anakin out of here, but he knew that Dooku would never let them just run away so he decided to come up with a distraction. " So what-", Obi-wan was cut short by Dooku. "Oh, no, Kenobi, you cannot stall this with your usual barter." "Um... am I missing something?", Anakin asked. Obi-wan just ignored him, because the less Anakin knew, the better. " Master?" Anakin stepped into his peripheral vision and he had a confused and impatient look on his face, his eyes searching Obi-wan's face for any hint at what was going on. Obi-wan noticed Dooku was slowly moving forward. "Anakin...",(Wassup, Jenni)Obi-wan warned. The young jedi turned around just in time to see Dooku slam into him, and with Dooku's hand outstretched giving his padawan an extra push through the force, Anakin went flying into the wall. "Anakin!!!", he ran over his apprentice to make sure he was okay and saw that a line of blood was running down his chin. Obi-wan dropped to the ground to check for his pulse and found one but it was very unsteady. He knew he had to get Anakin out o- " I know you'll try to protect him by fighting me'',Dooku said," ''but you and Skywalker can barely beat me combined, so how do you think you'll fair alone''?" Obi-wan knew what he said was the truth, but he could not just let Dooku take Anakin,- no he couldn't let Dooku anywhere near his padawan. Obi-wan stood up to face his adversary knowing this was not going to end well.

Hint, Hint, Hint

Anakin's p.o.v.

Anakin woke up with a pounding headache and blurry vision, he figured he had a concussion. He saw two bright lights, he guessed they were lightsabers, but that was strange because the last thing he remembered was being at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. And He didn't know why lightsabers would be drawn. The two figures were moving back and forth in common duel stances. Anakin guessed by the way the figure on the left was fighting that one of the force-wielders was Obi-wan and he was not winning. Anakin tried to stand up but as soon as he got to one of his knees he fell right back down. There was something he did not understand, there was a horrible pain in his side and he could barely breathe. When he did breathe it came out in gasps. Everything suddenly came rushing back to him. Then he decided that Obi-wan needed help more than he did. His lightsaber was nowhere to be seen, so he got up -successfully this time- and looked around and saw his lightsaber laying behind a rock a few yards away, he ran over to it and grabbed it. Anakin ran over to Obi-wan, but stopped once he saw what was happening.

It had been a while since Obi-wan and Dooku had begun their fight. From the right, he heard someone groan, he immediately knew who it was and was worried about Anakin, but he could not help him while fighting Dooku. Obi-wan twisted around and jabbed at the count, but Dooku countered it and struck back. The sith tried to copy his attack, but while Dooku was turned around Obi-wan launched him across the room through the force, and he hit the wall with a thud. He used that as a distraction to go check on Anakin, he started running to his apprentice, but before he could he felt a rushing wind- SMACK- and his vision erupted with stars ( NO PUN INTENDED). Obi-wan tried and successfully met Anakin's eyes Obi-wan's last thought before he lost consciousness was that Anakin was most likely going to try and save him. Then everything went black.

CLIFFYYYYYY!!! You gotta love em! Chapter 2 is next Monday... or sooner. It depends on how many views this gets.

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