Parte 1 Sin Título

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You walked to the watchtower, ready for your shift, smiling and waving at the people you found on your way there. You'd thought you would never make any more friends in this crazy world, besides the people who had become your family, and so you were still surprised in the best way at all those friendly faces.

They were people who Rick had taken from Woodbury or people found outside and who were taken into the shelter of your growing home. At first it had been strange and you hadn't been sure if you were on board with having so many people around after months and months only with the same few people, sharing a deep bond with them, but now you loved it. Some of those people had become good friends, and although your relationship and feelings for them weren't the same than for your family, you liked them. They had made the prison feel lived in, you all helped each other to make it a home, with cells that now looked like rooms, decorated walls, gardens, pots of plants everywhere, and lots and lots of things you'd never thought you'd get the chance to have.

Your smile widened when you saw Frank up in the watchtower already. Among all the new people, he had become one of your best friends, and you loved it when you got to share your shift with him. Funny enough, you both had gone to the same secondary school, so so many years ago, and although you hadn't known each other back them you both spent hours talking about the school, gossiping about old teachers and classmates. Some things never get old. It seemed you never run out of things to talk with him and you always had a nice, fun time whenever you shared a shift or went on a run. It was more than welcome after all the shit you'd gone through.

"It seems we have to be up here until late." You half complained once you reached the top of the tower.

"I rather have late shifts than early." By now you knew Frank wasn't an early bird at all, whereas you were a morning person who usually woke up with the sun, though you weren't sure if you'd always been like that. Maybe Daryl Dixon had rubbed it on you. "Look what Carol gave us to eat while we're here." Frank passed you a bag with some of the raspberries that Maggie had collected from a bush near the prison and you grinned, those tiny fruits were your favorites.

"Perfect shift."

At some point during your shift, when the sun was starting to go down, you saw Daryl walking to the prison after he'd gone out hunting before your shift started. You stopped midsentence to grin and wave at him, glad when he spotted you, though he didn't smile, just nodded at both Frank and you, and walked into the prison. You let out a sigh, sometimes it took a lot to make Daryl smile a real one, and though he'd loosened up quite a lot in the time you knew him, you wished he'd let himself smile more. A snicker next to you took you out of your thoughts.


"Whenever you see him is like the rest of the world fazes, I bet you could be fighting walkers and if Daryl Dixon passed by you'd get distracted and eaten by walkers." Frank teased you and you blushed in embarrassment. "I mean it's cute, but you always do that no matter if the last time you saw him was an hour ago."

"Shut up." You grumbled though you couldn't help but let out an embarrassed chuckle.

It wasn't your fault you still couldn't believe you had gotten Daryl to act on his feelings for you, and you two had been together for a few months now. If back when you met him someone had said you both would end up together, you'd have laughed, but slowly you'd gotten to know the real him, had learned that there was more to him than what you could see at first, the kind golden-hearted man he was, and you'd fallen for him.

You weren't very sure of when Daryl had developed feels for you too, but as you both grew closer during all those hard, cold months after you lost the Greene's farm, it was harder for you to hide your feelings. And so one cold night, as you shifted closer to him during your watch shift, trying to steal some of his warmth, you had ended up confessing.

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