Three's Never a Crowd

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The deed had been done. Gentle white fog hushed over the valley of Evershade, brushing over the bare tree branches and settling around the various climate centred mansions which surrounded the valley. Gazing over the valley sat the Dark Moon, a purple tinted crescent moon shaped jewel, which had the ability to hinder the evil desires of any undead being in said area. The hushed glow from the jewel rested softly above the hills and mansion rooftops, while dimly lighting the rooftop of a small wooden shack, just off the small outskirts of the valley. Three men were entering said shack, all looking tuckered out from the incredibly long night of terror that had been put to an end.

"Oh come on, you're making me blush." The man in the green hat teased as he shut the wooden door behind him, allowing himself into the wooden home. Two other occupants had already entered the room, an older man with swirled glasses standing with his hand preoccupied in the hallway entrance. The other man who wore a red cap, plopped himself onto the slightly stained couches in what seemed to outline a living room. Kicking his legs up onto the wooden coffee table, Mario let out a heavy sigh, pulling his cap back from over his eyes.

"Weegee, you were amazing! Saving the entirety of Evershade Valley in one night? And to think my own little bro is scared of ghosts. There isn't a bone of ghost fear in your body after all that!" Mario praised, his voice pitching higher with every passing sentence that put his brother higher up on the hero pedestal. Luigi let out a sheepish chuckle in response, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. The man in green proceeded to take a seat in the couch across from his twin, only to bump the poltergust 5000 back against the frame of the sofa. Luigi slipped off the mechanism, allowing his shoulders to ease back. For a vacuum that carries ghosts, it got a lot heavier than he thought.

"Thanks Mario." The man smiled warmly back at his brother, the thick cloud of silence being broken by a giggle in the hallway. Both men looked over at Professor E. Gadd, who stood with his hands folded behind his white lab coat.

"You did put on quite a show sonny, I'm impressed!" Revealing his hands from his behind his coat, E. Gadd clapped them together, rubbing them slightly. "I bet you boys are both absolutely famished after such a thrilling night, hm?" Luigi took a breath in to respond, only to be completely muted by Mario booming 'yes sir' in response to the question. "Just as I hoped! Which is why I stocked up on fresh spaghetti." The old man huffed a laugh to himself, as Mario chimed in with an obnoxious slurp of his lips and rub of his tummy. Luigi didn't really have much of an appetite, but he knew Mario must be starving after being trapped in a painting for so long. Just as Luigi allowed his eyelids to rest, E. Gadd called his name. Peeping an eye, the professor curled a finger, signalling the young man to join him. Luigi rolled his eyes with a side smile, sitting up from the couch to follow the professor as he shuffled into the dimly lit kitchen. Mario had fallen asleep on the couch, poor guy. He really needed it.

Luigi hung his cap on a hook near the front entrance before he entered the kitchen. An aroma of both garlic and tomatoes tickled his nose, as he held himself back from letting his mouth water any further. "I know I'm no expert on pasta like the Italians are, so I figured who better to help me than an Italian himself." E. Gadd chuckled, as he shimmied towards the cabinet that held multiple jars of tomato sauce. Luigi let out an amused sigh, stepping further into the room. He inspected his surroundings, alongside the various slime filled jars that sat upon dusty shelves way too tall for even his own reach without the assistance of a chair. Caught off guard by a thump from the cabinet E. Gadd had closed, the older man walked over to the table to set the jars down. "Luigi sonny, I'm far too short to reach the shelves I put the spaghetti in. Could you get them for me?" The younger man nodded in response, turning to open the shelves gently, as seeing how much dust they collected, he felt as if they could come crumbling down with even a feather touch.

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