just go with it//

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"are you sure you don't want anything hun?"

phil looks up at the waitress slowly. it's been forty minutes and gavin still wasn't there. he should have known, to be honest. gavin never showed up to anything unless there were tons of people to fawn over him or free booze-of which neither phil had with him considering gavin was the one who was supposed to be treating him. he always seemed to get out of paying, though.

"sweetie, if you don't order something, i have to ask you to leave. i'm really sorry hun."

"oh, um ok-okay i guess. sorry for wasting your time. do you think i could just stay five more minutes though?" he asked with uncertainty. phil never thought this would actually happen to him. god, he thought he had found the one! guess not though, considering the fact that gavin is an absolute ass.

the waitress must have felt even worse for phil, as she let him stay and even refilled his water with a warning that if he wasn't out in five, she would have to escort him.

he could basically feel the looks of pity from the other diners boring into the back of his head. he has been here for almost an hour, and everyone who got there at the same time he did just heard him practically begging for more time to wait from the waitress.

god, this is so embarrassing.

why couldn't he just actually show up for once?



there was nothing dan wanted more than to help out the poor man sitting down across the restaurant from him. he was too far away to really hear what he was saying, but it was either he was trying painfully hard to get the waitresses number, or he had been stood up.

it's only a matter of time before they kick him out

dan knew that the raven haired boy had overstayed his welcome, and he knew he had to do something-and fast. he tried to stand up and walk over at least four times, but every time he either walked to the bathroom or sat back down immediately.

but he just looked so sad sitting there...

dan had been staring for an awkwardly long period of time at this point, but he really didn't care.

he was gonna do it.

i mean, dan didnt have the faintest clue of what he was actually going to do, he just knew he had to act now before it was too late. so he stood up, payed for his meal, walked over to the entrance, and straight to the table with the poor... really, really attractive man at it.

goddammit of course he had to be cute. this would be so much easier if he wasn't so good looking!

oh well, too late to turn around now... come on dan! you can do it! just walk up to him and say-



"hey babe! im so sorry im late, traffic was crazy from work today!"


phil looked up, expecting to see his soon to be ex-boyfriend when instead he saw a curly brown haired man with soft brown eyes leaning in to kiss his cheek. still shocked from being kissed by a complete stranger, phil could barely process the words the man whispered in his ear before he sat across from him at the table.

"hey, im dan. whoever stood you up is a dick. just go with it"

phil stared at him as he sat down, mouthing a silent "thank you" before going along with the little charade.

just go with it//phan oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now