Vegetable Garden

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“This day is amazing“ turnip said to zucchini. Zucchini and Carrot were laughing in their vegetable costumes. Turnip walked/hopped towards celery.  Celery jumped at turnip. Turnip smacked zucchini on the behind (aka butt). Screams came from zucchini’s large yellow flower. 

She cut her skin. The pleasure of cutting created a pattern on her heart. The doctor was very tired of treating her generously.                              

One night a robber screamed because he/she scared a girl. She was VERRY happy but she didn’t get what he/she said. “pardon me?” she questioned.  The robber screamed like an old woman. Laughter erupted from the little boy’s large loudspeaker. Everyone was running away from giant unicorns. Singing horribly, the unicorns flew towards Howl’s moving castle but he screamed for silence. The whole herd of flying-pigs froze, scared. The centaurs killed the unicorns who were singing the national anthem in Chinese. Everyone howled at the terrible and failed singing-unicorns.  

Peter Poki ran to the pokemon in Kazakhstan from China Town. He tweeted about it. The hairy man welcomed Peter into his kingdom. Peter combed The Beard . After shampooing.


After you finish reading (if you got that far) you MUST tell me what you think; I accept all comments ;D

Please tell me if you want a sequel :)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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