Let it Go

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Beethoven's Für Elise sounded through the door of the vault. The Doctor was leaning against the door, just listening to Missy's perfect play. He remembered the times when she still was the Master, not able to appreciate any kind of music because of the steady rhythm of the drums in his head. The sound of the music gave him hope. Hope that she really was able to change.

He didn't dare to hope too much. They weren't children anymore. All their promises were gone with the wind. But when he saw Missy crying his heart had skipped a beat. He wanted to believe her. He wanted to trust her. He wanted everything to be like it had once been.

When he closed his eyes, he could see them again, two little boys who were always together, always up to no good, always troublemakers. He remembered them watching the stars, dreaming about visiting every one of them together one day.

And of course, there were other things to remember. The time when it had been even more than friendship. Times he always wanted to forget but now all the memories were fighting their way back into his head.

They had shared their first kiss under the stars, still filled with hopes and dreams. It had been a teenage romance, nothing more, at least the Doctor tried to tell himself that it had been like that. They never told anyone. And when they grew older, they grew apart. While he settled down and had a family, the Master stayed alone. Maybe he had been jealous. But that was absurd thinking. It never had been serious between them.

The sound of the piano faded away. Missy was done with the song and didn't start to play another one. The Doctor took a deep breath and knocked at the door before unlocking it to enter. He had come here to bring her food, but it somehow ended in him getting nostalgic.

"Doctor." Missy stood up and walked towards him, her hips swinging more than necessary while walking.

He held up a plastic bag. "Brought Chinese."

"You want to give me sticks to play?" She smirked.

"No, I've got a plastic fork for you."

"How boring. But you could still kill someone with that. I know. I did." She smiled, but it didn't seem honest. Her eyes were sad.

"I'd be grateful if you didn't kill me." The Doctor sat down and unpacked the two noodle boxes he had bought at the Chinese restaurant around the corner.

"You're eating with me?", Missy asked carefully.

"Well I... I thought you could use some company." The Doctor gave her a little smile. "Besides, I'm hungry as well."

Missy sat down next to him and grabbed the plastic fork he got for her. "Did you enjoy my playing?"

"You got good."

"I have lots of time in here. I could become the new Mozart. With cheating, of course, because I got much more time to learn." She smirked.

"Do you want to play together?" The Doctor asked without thinking. It only seemed logical because while Missy discovered her love for playing the piano he discovered his love for playing the guitar.

"Together..." Missy seemed to space out for a second. "Yes. But don't ruin my beat." She jabbed her fork into the noodles.

"Don't ruin my beat.", the Doctor muttered back while opening his own noodle box.

"Your beat is horrible."

"No, it's not!" The Doctor looked at Missy and she chuckled. Then she leaned her head against his shoulder while eating. It felt strange, foreign and familiar at the same time. And not bad at all.

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