Chapter Sixteen (REWRITTEN)

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Avery spent her Saturday with Julie, trying to get in as much training as possible before the older woman left early for the day. While practically skipping toward the exit, she also reminded her that Sebastian would have to be turned one more time during Avery's shift.


She had been lucky enough to avoid his room and any thought of him all day, but with Julie's good-bye, she was now obsessing over last night's sharp words, a knife to her wounded heart. In Sebastian's hands specifically, it was lethal.

"I'm Avery, woe is me!"


"You're so selfish!"


"I'm done with this."


She really had to stop and examine herself. Was she selfish? She didn't think so, but if he was calling her out there had to be some truth to it. Sure, Avery could swallow her pride and tell Julie every detail of her time with Sebastian (part of her wanted to), consequences be damned, but she wasn't convinced that Julie would handle that bitter tea the way he claimed she would. She couldn't do that to his mother, regardless. The false hope alone that it might bring her would be cruel at best.

She didn't see that as selfish.

On the other hand, she had abandoned her parents in their most dire time of need, opting to take care of herself and leave them to their own devices. Not that they had communicated they needed her help in the first place. In fact, they didn't even want to discuss it, better yet involve her in any way. Should she have gone to her dad's trial? Maybe. That's what a supportive daughter would have done... one that didn't have all of the information to clearly visualize right from wrong.

No, her staying by their side wouldn't have made a difference. If anything, Avery landed on "self-absorbed" as an alternative. Even that felt like a stretch, but it made Sebastain's assessment inaccurate so, was confident in her decision.

It was the last sentence of his rant that threw her for a loop. What did he mean by 'he was done'? Done with her? Done with their friendship? Forever, or just because she refused to give him what he wanted? He never reappeared that night and the apartment was absurdly silent this morning. Avery knew he couldn't really be done, even if he wanted to. They were tethered.

She stood outside Sebastian's room for what, to her at least, seemed like forever. She understood that the live version of him couldn't speak at all, in dreams or otherwise, and she wouldn't be subjected to a cold glare of hazel here. Well, maybe she would but she wouldn't see it either way.

That wasn't enough to make her feet move, though.

"That Jedi-mind trick work for you?"

The husky voice emanating from out of nowhere over made Avery scream, "Oh sh—" With no outlet for the surge of adrenaline now coursing through her body, she assaulted the arm of the poor guy who had griefed her so rudely. "Jesus! What is! Wrong with! You!" She demanded between clenched jaws and hard slaps.

"Damn, girl," he rubbed his covered bicep as if she could actually have hurt him. "No need for violence! I was just sayin' I can't open doors like that! Chill!"

Bringing the back of her hand to her forehead, she closed her eyes, willing her heart back to its normal rhythm. He cackled, greatly amused by her tirade, "Sorry."

He didn't sound sorry.

"Mmhm," Avery scowled, not yet willing to exchange pleasantries. He had very nearly given her a heart attack and she would not play nice with an attempted murderer.

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