benvolio x tybalt

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highschool au

Benvolio would never be afraid of Tybalt Capulet, the school's cliche star football player who always had one arm full of trophies and the other full of girls, because, despite his beady eyes and signature smirk, Benvolio knew he was a complete softie.

Maybe it was the way his smirk flickered to a frown when a girl approached him, or how his eyes seemed to sparkle when he got a good grade on something he tried really hard on. So no, Benvolio would never be afraid of Tybalt Capulet, the school's cliche football player who only faked enjoying the sport for his pretentious uncle, who hated being loved for the money that bulged from his pockets and dangled from his neck in the form of gold chains.

The only part of Tybalt that frightened Benvolio was the feelings he ignited in the boy's heart, the flames that didn't burn but were still just as scary to witness. The way his voice shook and his heart fluttered, the way his cheeks turned a delicate pink against his pale features. Benvolio was determined to leave his feelings unlabeled, to avoid the fate of his late cousin Romeo and his lover, Juliet Capulet, who just so happened to be Tybalt's cousin.

Benvolio turned back to his locker with a deep sigh, the same thoughts running through his head like a marathon. He spun the dial on the lock, the same number sequence since freshman year when he heard a metallic bang. Tybalt was leaning on the locker next to his, his arm the only thing keeping him from slamming his face into the metal. Sweat was beading his forehead, cheeks a bright red and mouth releasing small pants.

"You okay?" Benvolio asked cautiously, shutting his locker with a light click and glancing at the male with worry.

"Can you do me a favor?" Tybalt requested, completely ignoring Benvolio's question.

"Sure, I guess."

Tybalt scanned the hallway with shaky eyes, searching for someone that was hidden in the throng of students. When he didn't find who he had been searching for he focused his attention back on Benvolio, who looked extremely unamused.

"I need you too-" Tybalt was interrupted by a loud shriek, followed by the pattering of multiple heels on the tile flooring of their school.

"Change of plans," he giggled sheepishly, looking at Benvolio with so much desperation in his eyes that the boy actually thought he was going to cry.

"What do you need my help with?" Benvolio asked, wanting nothing more than to escape the awkwardness that surrounded Tybalt.

"I'm sorry," was the football players only reply before he attacked Benvolio, slamming his lips onto the youngers. Tybalt's kiss was frantic and hungry, but Benvolio didn't know how to react. A part of his brain was screaming for him to kiss back, to taste the lips he had been longing for since he first laid eyes on the man, but the other half wanted to run far away, not just from Tybalt but from the feeling.

Loud disappointed sighs distracted Benvolio from his inner turmoil, and he realized with hesitant relief that Tybalt was using him to deter the horde of girls that usually chased him. But one confident girl was steaming, arms crossed and face determined as she stalked towards the two. Something in Benvolio was annoyed by the girl, and with unexpected vigor, he kissed back, more fervently and desperately than even Tybalt. The only difference was that Benvolio was doing it to be pretty, or at least that's what he tried to convince himself, but his heart knew otherwise.

It was the tongue that slipped between his lips that finally showed the girl she had no chance, and with a childish stomp, she walked away, followed by her pack of lusty wolves. Benvolio was the one pinned to his own locker, yet he could feel Tybalt slowly submitting to him, letting Benvolio do as he pleased. When the two finally decided oxygen was needed, Tybalt had one hand firmly grasping Benvolio's thigh, pulling him closer, while the boy stood with a confident smirk on his delicate features.

"It's been fun, Capulet," he purred, grabbing his textbook that had fallen to the floor and ignoring the lusty gaze that Tybalt was blatantly giving him. He sauntered off without another word, not bothering to glance back at the shocked male.

"Wait, Benvolio! What was that?" Tybalt yelled behind him, but his voice slowly faded into the crowd as Benvolio let out a light chuckle and walked to his science class.

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