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Me: Soooooooooo, this is just gonna be me reacting to-

*Suddenly dbh characters appear out of nowhere*

Me: the fuuuuuuuuuu-

Alice: mom, where are we?
Kara: I don't know.

Me: aaaaaaaaah *fangirling noises*

Connor: uh should we be concerned?
Rk900: Maybe it's a human thing.
Hank: nope it's a crazy person thing.

Me: Hank sempie, (it's spelled wrong on purpose) *fangirling intensifies*

Hank: the hell!
Connor: what is a sempie?
Gavin: it's a dumb meme.
Connor: what's a-
Markus: don't worry about it.
North: why the hell did you bring us here?

Me: I didn't, I was just gonna give my reactions to....oh I got it!

Everyone besides me: what?

Me: I was gonna talk about my opinions and reactions to dbh parings, and I guess since I'm in my void of fandoms, it summoned you here by accident.

Markus: nope, makes no sense.
Simon: I'm with Markus how would that even work?
Josh: maybe we could-
Elijah: hm fandom void that must mean everything you ever thought of involving us is here right?

Me: eh, I mean yeah but you don't need to look around or anything. (shit there's so much stuff in here I can't let them see)

Chole: is there anything you want me to find Elijah.
Elijah: In a bit I'm curious where this is going.

Alice: Mom dad I don't understand what's going on.
Ralph: Ralph agrees this doesn't make much sense.
Luther: don't worry we'll figure something out.

Me: welp, if everyone's here how about you all join me in talking about ships also it's not like you get much of a choice.

Connor: then what was the point of-

Me: this is gonna be fun!

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