one in a million dream

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Mya!... mya!...  (mya) stop... stop please... please!  (Ashely)  mya wake up you're having a nightmare. (Mya) whaa... i keep having weird dreams its my one in a million dream
(Ashely) you've been having the same dreams everyday its like puzzle pieces beacause one-  (mya) one adds up to another its someone else's body but my voice like im reinacting them.   (Ashely) it must be weird for you to have the same ones over and over again. (Mya) it is its weird but its like im figuring out something i just dont know what it is yet. (Ashely) hopefully you figure it out because it keeps your anxiety levels up. (Mya) no.. my stupid conscience keeps it up. (Ashely) well... your conscience must want u to figure it out but something else doesnt. (Mya) you're right. (Ashely) always have always will.

THE GHOST IN ME (COMPLETED!! will have a sequel)Where stories live. Discover now