Dying Flowers

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The boyfriend is watering a withered flower. The girlfriend approached him and said " Stop watering that! It's already dead like our relationship! "

" I can still save this flower. This will bloom in the right time so as your heart " He said with courage without looking at her.

" Stop it, it's dead" She protested.

" I can revive flowers so as our relationship "

" That would not happen to us, you can't grow flowers inside of me again! "

" I can grow flowers inside if you open your heart again to me "

" Stop hoping for us!" She shouted at him. 

He shut off the garden water hose and turned around to face her with a calm facial expression.

" I won't stop pouring my love on you like I'm watering a dead flower. Remember, a dead flower can be revived and it will bloom in the right time so as your heart. Once your heart bloom, I can slowly open your heart, then I can grow flowers inside of you, then your flowers bloom. Of course, there will be butterflies on it. "

" As a matter of fact, there are certain flowers can't be revived so as relationships " She said firmly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

" I know that's why I'm trying to save us " He said staring at her and he reached out her hand to hold hoping for a chance to fix their relationship.

She has been listening keenly the way his words he utters. His words are different now which it surprised her. She stared at his deep eyes trying to discern his sincerity. His eyes are different now that make her heart open once again for him. 

She squeezed his hand.

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