Description of the story 1

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You now that feeling when you walk alone over the forest.And you hear the wolf.You are scared.You run. Because you hear someone behind you. But it was just a bird. When your home.You see your parents cover in blood.Your brother is in his room. He is okay.He is 18 years old. You just 17.He say that he is a werewolf.And you too. But first transformacion is in age 18.You thing that he is crazy.But youre 18 in 20.6 and is 18.6.You give him a chance .When youre 18 he lock you in your room. You start turning. You don't believe that. But in one month you understand. You and your brother join a pack.But then you and youre brother are kidnapped by mafia pack.You are special for your fur in the moon is almost silver normal is white.Your brothers fur is black and it shines on the moon.Than you join that pack because you find a mate.And your brother too. Another description will be between episod two and three.

Characters name :
Yours - Mia
Your brother - Daniel
Your mom - Andrea
Your dad - Cole
Your grandfather - Tom
Your pack - Silver moon pack
The name of pack that kidnapped you - Black moon pack

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