Prologue | Sneak Peek

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I adjusted the collar of my unbuttoned flannel while looking at myself in front of a clear mirror. I dressed fine; a white sleeveless shirt, red plaid flannel, blue skinny jeans and a pair of black converse. But the only problem was the birthmark that could be easily noticed by the naked eye and I don't want it to be the first thing that my blind date to see when we had just met face-to-face. The birthmark was embed almost on the center of my neck and it was a lighter tone of my skin. Plus, it represents somewhat like a deformed shape of a bird with its wings spread out. I huffed.

The birthmark is the least of my problems...

The bedroom doorknob clicked, signalling that someone was opening it. Irene emerged from behind the blockage with a giddy smile that seemed contagious, but, that never works on me. She fully opened the entrance and made her way into my room with the smile still plastered on her face.

The smile that got me to agree to this date...

I mentally scowl at her. I did not want to date anyone at the moment but I don't know how I even approved to it. Dating was always at the back of my mind and completing my goals would always come first. She sits herself on the edge of my bed, motioning for me to be seated in front of her so she could be able fix my bird nest of a hair. I granted her request and sat down on the floor in front of her.

Afterwards, we were both ready to leave to get to our intended places. We settled that we'll be meeting at the very front of the city library to be able to compose the song and perform it later at home. Before leaving, I grabbed my needs, such as my backpack with the essentials in it, then locked the door and left the house to its self.

We soon parted ways as I walked to the bus stop with only one thing in mind...

I'm so not ready for this...

✎ Author's note;

Why hello there!~

I'm Jovemm, the author Of "Swapped Phones and Broken Notes"! And I apologize for the limited words of this part, for this is only a sneak peek. The real chapters would start after next week! So... LOOK OUT FOR THAT! :)

Then again, I'm sorry and see you later!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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