ch. 1

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i tied my brown locks into a messy bun and put on some comfy sweats because i'm quirky like that and SUPER relatable. omo! it was almost 8 am and i was late for school!
i rush out of my kpop filled room and scrambled down the stairs to greet my abusive mother who tortured me daily. she called me fat when i was like 107 pounds, ugly when i smiled and showed my pearly white teeth, and stupid even though i was an A student. i was so insecure and shy and could never talk to boys because of her! she was an alcoholic too.

"sarangi i pulled you out of school!" i heard her scream out. my brown orbs were shooketh!

"mwo mom? jjinja?" i exclaimed.

"yes. and i'm not your real mom. i'm actually a foster mom and can't wait to get rid of your broke ass in order to pay for my soju bottles."

i froze in disbelief! i wasn't her real daughter?

"who's child am i then?" i asked disbelievingly. she rolled her eyes and took another swig from her bottle.

"your surrogate parents are bts obviously and they're coming to take you home?"


the door bell rang. i ran to the door and was shocked.

"BTS?????" i shouted. they winked. jungcock winked and whispered in my ear.
"hey step sis, wanna pull an alabama and fuck me?" he smirked. i pushes him away flirtingly.

"omg you have no jams! international playboy!"

"juancock! enough! boys let's get her stuff and obviously me and jin are the mother and father because we always are in every fanfic" namjoon ordered.

i couldn't believe my ears.

i was going to be living with bts and two of them gave birth to me !!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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