28 Weeks Later - Side Story

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When I opened my eyes I was in a daze, there was an abnormal fog in the air and I realised I was lying on the ground. I winced, I had landed on a piece of wood, or at least I thought I must have fallen, how else does someone end up on the ground? The distant shouts roused me from my stupor and I pulled myself to my feet. I coughed wildly, it seemed the fog had something to do with it so I pulled my scarf over my face and ventured into the smog. The streets were empty save for abandoned cars and scattered class from many broken windows I wondered what had happened here for such desolation to occur. I followed the sound of the screams and rounded a corner I came face to face with a figure dressed in black, I paused, wary of the other 3 figures that accompanied the first. Each of them brandished a lit flamethrower, and all of them were pointed at me, the one to my right let out a burst of flame and I ducked as the others squeezed on the triggers of there’s. I approached one of the men kicking his legs out from beneath him, he hit the ground hard and I took up his flamethrower unleashing the white-hot flame upon the other 3 figures. Each of them screamed as they melted to the ground but I didn’t stop until they were silent.

Once again the not so distant screams revived me from the trance I had fallen into, I ran down the street, sure to keep my newly acquired weapon close by. I rounded the corner and the smell that assaulted my senses was that of putrid flesh. The combination of the fog and the heat of the flames made my eyes sting and water but I powered through. Through the now thinning fog I saw a lone car sitting in the road, surrounding it was a swarm of the undead clawing at the windows at the screaming people inside. I readied my flamethrower and aimed only to see the hoard slowly falling to the ground, each one overcome by the fog. That’s when I saw him, a man of medium height and build climbed out of the car, the fog still clung to me and I knew I was hidden. Then man had short, light brown hair and bright blue eyes and I had a feeling that I had seen him before. He placed his hands on the back of the car and started to push, he yelled a command to the people inside of the car and it roared to life and sped away. I realised all too quickly who the man was, Sergeant Doyle, he was military I had never met him, but I knew who he was, I knew how he met his end at the hands of a soldier with a flamethrower. I glanced down to my hands then and saw the flamethrower nestled there I threw the offending object from me and approached Doyle.

He was knelt on the ground, supposedly resting, I walked towards him slowly and when I was stood behind him I reached down and placed my hand on his shoulder.

“Hello.” I whispered. What happened next came so quickly I almost didn’t have time to react. Doyle sprang to his feet and suddenly the point of a gun was in my face, my hands flew up. “Woah, Woah! Hey! I’m human! Not infected!” I blurted, but the gun didn’t waver. “You owe me Doyle! I just saved your life!” This time Doyle lowered the gun,

“Wait what? You know me?” He asked,

“Well, no not exactly but I know what was meant to happen, and I know that I stopped it!” I said jumbling my words.

“What are you talking about!?” Doyle yelled, I could see his hand curling around his gun readying it.

“Listen, my name is Kathryn and I don’t know how but I know that your death was meant to happen now, but I stopped it.” Doyle’s whole body slumped, and he lost the focus in his eyes,

“I-I’m meant to be dead? How?”

“You got out to push that car; you thought you wouldn’t be coming back didn’t you?” I asked, trying to get him to understand. “You thought you were going to die. It’s because you were meant to, four soldiers with flamethrowers, they were going to kill you.” Doyle looked back at me; his eyes met mine, in the depths of the blue I could see fear, a hint of confusion and then overwhelming sadness. “Hey, that’s not a bad thing! You were meant to live, you’re a good man!” I consoled him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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