My Introduction

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One winter morning, before Christmas, you and your brother are left home alone while your parents are out for a business trip in Jacksonville, Florida.

You wake up to a smell of burnt sugar cookies, and you then brush your teeth with very minty toothpaste. As you head down the stairs, you see that your little brother is baking sugar cookies and molasses. He almost set the house on fire.

You ask your brother why he was making cookies and molasses. He responded that he was trying to learn how to cook. You shake it off with a shrug without any answer. You start heading to the dish rack for a mug. As you get the mug and head to the fridge, you hear a rapping on the door: rap, rap.

Probably nothing, right? The doorbell ringing came next. Your brother starts to scream more, and you tell him to shush. You open the fridge and pour yourself a mug of orange juice. The liquid that came out of the orange juice was not orange juice, but...

Sprite Cranberry.

Nah. Probably my imagination. You quickly pour out the clear liquid into the sink before your brother could notice. You tell your brother to watch some Spongebob or something on the TV, and he agreed.

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