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You closed your eyes once again, trying to even your breaths. The cold coming from the white-tiled floor was making you shiver uncontrollably. Your hands as cold as the floor were clenched on your heart, as if you were afraid of your gradually weakening heartbeats to be heard. How long it's been since you were in this state? You'd lost the track of time. Maybe minutes, maybe hours, even days perhaps... You didn't know shit anymore. You'd lost everything you loved, everything you cared. Even if you survived this, what were you going to do? Start all over again? No. You were lost, broken. There was no hope.

"Don't worry ___, I'm here. Open your eyes. Everything's going to be fine, I promise."

You refused to do as you told and look at him.

He never left you. He was always there, not minding your pleas, your screams begging him to disappear.

He was there still, and you knew that he would be there forever.

You shook your head.

Nothing's good and it will never be.

Not again.

"Please, go away. Please... I can't do this anymore. I'm tired, tired of all of this. I beg you, leave me alone. Get out of my head!"

You felt something warm on your arms, forming new goosebumps on your skin full of needle and scratch marks. Still, you didn't open your eyes. You heard him again then, whispering like always.

"Look at me ___, don't ignore me please. You, too, know that I'm a part of you. You need me as much as I need you. Don't you get it, sweetheart? I love you. And I know you love me too. Just say my name. I can help you out only then ___, acknowledge my presence. Just say it, and everything you desire shall be yours."

His husky voice echoed in your ears. Opposing to the coldness, something warm bloomed within you.

You hated him. You hated how he could affect you only with a touch of his. But you hated yourself the most for being this weak, always giving in to his temptations.

You opened your eyes to meet with his brown and sometimes red ones. They always had this fire in them. You never managed to put a certain meaning into the dancing sparks in his pupils. Sometimes they shimmered with anger, sometimes with desire and lust... They had a new meaning every time you wandered your eyes on them like unlocking new parts of him. This time you saw something rather softer, not the destructive side of the flames but the protective one. As if they were ready to defend you from the coldness of the room, from all your inner demons. They promised you warmth and light.

Your eyes trailed down to the little mole on his nose. Then you directed your gaze to his arms and from there to his long hands, following them only to see where they connected with your skin. He was holding you like you were about to shatter into pieces. He was right to touch you like that though; with the state you were in now, you only had a few things to hold on to—one of those things being him. You never wanted to admit it, but you were glad that you weren't all alone in this hellhole.

Still, you didn't dare to say that poisoning name of his. You knew that if you were to spill that sinful word out of your mouth, you would never be you again.

You felt his intense gaze all over your body. Everywhere he stopped his eyes for more than a mere second was burning like it was on fire. The temperature of the room was rising nonstop.

He got closer hesitantly; you could feel his breath now, making you lose every control you had. He stopped inches away from your lips. You wondered how his lips would feel like. They were like clouds probably; so soft and kissable, looking so welcoming... You stopped yourself mentally just seconds before rising your hand to touch them.

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