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Shuba's POV

I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror to be more accurate looking at my fat between my thighs. I looked at it, being more and more disgusted at myself. I pulled my shorts down trying to cover them. I looked around my room, it wasn't a bad room honestly. My books were neatly arranged, no signs of laundry on the floor, my bed like couch looking cozy as ever. everything looked perfect except the person in it. The person in it is a monster, a filthy monster. I looked at my clock that was turning to a 6:30 pm it was tuning late. I decided to take a bath cause why not that's the only way to cure the filth off my body. 

After that shower, I took a good look at my naked self. At how all the scars decorated my body. It had bruises, burn marks, cut marks. I looked at my razor near my wardrobe. Oh, the memories I had with it but I ain't doing all that to my body over again. There are urges, of course, there are but I have to try to ignore those feelings. My hands were about to reach for it when my phone rang. Seeing that it was Amanda, I answered it and placed it on loudspeaker as I got dressed.

"Hey Shuu, you ready for Kamalesh's party today ? ", she asked.I stood there frozen in spot, cause I forgot about the party. Before I could say anything I could hear Amanda laughing like a cow, and I mean it a legit cow.

"You forgot about it, didn't you. Get ready in about 15 minutes and don't forget to lock the doors . ", she said

"Do I have to come, I bet Caleb wouldn't even realize if I was there or not and plus the new semester starts tomorrow. ", I said trying to get out of the party cause honestly, it wasn't my thing.I heard Amanda take a deep breath before she sad "Shuu, you know this party is for the new semester. Like you know to party our asses of for the semester and Caleb wanted you to be there you know all our pals do. So come have some fun then maybe if you want to leave early just get me, then we can go okay?".Sometimes Amanda's too good for me man, I mean I know I can be kind of shit sometimes but she still hangs in there for me.

"Fine, I'll come." , I said in defeat

"Yepeeeee, now don't dress like a couch potato, try wearing something party lie, okay ? ".

But before I could ask her what she meant she hung up. I decided to wear my black ripped jeans together with a black shirt. To top it all off with my favorite reddish flannel shirt and my black converse. On the way out I found my black beanie and wore cause why not my hair wasn't even styled. I waited outside on the perron of our house. Right, when I was about to take a seat, Amanda arrived and I swear to God the whole neighborhood she was here. Why you ask " Cause she honks like a barbarian going to war every single time. I took a seat in the passenger seat of her car. Amanda looked stunning man, I mean she always does but today she looked glowing. She wore a black crop top together with her sky blue high waisted jeans . and black sandals. Her hair was in this high ponytail. But today it looked she took time to do it which is weird cause knowing Amanda she never cared about her hair that much, you could that's one of the things we have in common. 

Unless there was someone to impress.

"Well look who's all dressed up? ", I asked knowing the answer.

The only girl who could Amanda wrapped around her finger was none other than Celine Cabane. You could say that she was a rebel. I mean she is, always caught bullying, vandalizing but hey if Amanda likes her I can't do anything but support her. Even if I want to stay 5 meters away from their gang for some reason.

"Well maybe it was the eyeliner, I got the newest brand .", she said trying to hide the blush she had on her cheeks.

"Or maybe, Miss Perfect a.k.a Celine is going to be at the party and someone couldn't help herself but smile the entire day ", I said. The only reason I brought this up was that I didn't want Amanda to know that I wasn't in the mood for a party. But knowing her, she can read me like an open book. 

"Hey anything wrong, you don't look to pump for the party. Is it today? Want me to follow you? I 

can leave early if that's what troubling you . ", she said with concern in her voice.

It's not like I don't want Amanda's help, it's just I don't want anybody to see this side of me even if she has seen it. Ever. It was horrible disgusting and I'm being generous here. "It's okay really, I can handle it and to make you feel better mom told me dad wouldn't be home and my house isn't that far away. So please don't worry about me and have fun. Before she could say anything, we reached the party venue and I ran off to cool my head with a drink.

Because honestly isn't that what everyone needs now and then. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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