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My birthday's coming up and in hopes of getting back into reading and writing, I'm running this short competition based on genres I enjoy. 

The only requirement to enter this competition is a commitment of two requests: review the winning story and follow the judges from the category you submitted a story to.

There will be one winner in each category. No second places.

You may only enter one story, so make sure it's your best one!

Three category-themes running:

Darkalyptic -- Dark and apocalyptic-- any with end-of-the-world scenarios that aren't everyone's cup-o-tea due to mature themes [18+] or topics people don't necessarily like to read about (i.e. slavery, abuse/bullying, cannibalism, gore, etc)

Romance w/any genre - you can submit a story that's romance/horror, but not a story that's just horror

Romantic Darkalypse Combo -- stories that fall into all categories above, meaning it's dark, apocalyptic, and romantic

There will be a total of three winners, one in each category.

So, got a story? Interested in participating? Submit here. Don't have a story, still interested? Volunteer to Judge.

Submit here with the following [Deadline is  Sept. 20th 2023]:

Story Submission

This MUST be included in your submission: I will review the overall winner of the competition and permanently follow the judges in my category.  





Story Link:

Tag 2 people you think should enter

Judge Volunteer


Category Preference:

Limits: what you will and will not read

Darkalyptic CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now