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"Hibiki! Come get your results!"
The teacher call out my name once more. These results are for a written exam I took to apply for the prestigious school named UA. The written exam was absurdly easy. I honestly expected much more out of such an academy. But the hard part is the practical exam. I'm not quite sure what to expect, since they change their methods every year.
I walk up to grab my results, and I get exactly what I expected. A perfect 1000. The teacher speaks to me.
"Well done, Hibiki! Besides you, only 2 other students made a perfect score."
"It's surprising, this test was too easy for such an academy."
The teacher looks surprised by my remark, maybe because he also found it difficult.
"So, who were the other students who got a perfect score?"
The teacher grabs his "list"(honestly it's too small for a list) and looks over the names.
"Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya. They should be coming here soon. Speak of the Devil."
Right after he says this, I see two students walk in. One has a bright, blonde and spiky haircut, and deep red eyes. I've heard of him before, he's the shining star of this school. I could easily compete with him, but I just wasn't able to build a good enough name for myself. Someone who gets empowered by music doesn't like to show off doesn't make a good story. The other boy, Midoriya, I know him as well. He is Quirkless, as far as I know. I've talked with him since the first day I met him. It seems like recently, however, he has built himself up, both physically and mentally. I think he's trying to be a hero even without a quirk. I have almost nothing but respect for that. To try and try and try and then try some more, way more than what others think you can do, I know what that feels like. My quirk was a mystery until I was 10 years old. After my 10th birthday party, my mom hooked up a speaker to the TV, and I suddenly got a green aura around my body and my eyes. It pulsated with the beat of the song, and I just simply tried to jump. I went straight through the ceiling. I've spent at least 4 hours every day honing my quirk, which I eventually learned like the back of my hand. I get physically boosted and obtain both long and short range abilities whenever I listen to music. The boost is dramatically increased whenever I time my attacks or movement to the beat. Each consecutively timed move with the beat increases exponentially. However, I can grow exhausted of moving and I can get "tired" of a song. The problem is, the boost of the song is also directly correlated to how much I like the song. This quirk required a lot of fine tuning.
I expected both of these two students to get a perfect score. The only problem is that Bakugo might be too hostile towards others in the practical exam and I have no clue how in the hell Midoriya will even begin to compete. The teacher talks again, after the other two stand in front of the desk.
"Well done you two! Especially you Midoriya, you are starting to show promise! Don't you dare drop this now."
"Y-yes, sir."
Bakugo suddenly starts yelling.
"What the hell, Deku?! Why did you apply?!"
I see his palms start to spark, so I decide to use my quirk to defuse the situation. I grab my mp3 player and earbuds(I have music going and an earbud near my ear at all times in case of emergencies) and I power up. I time a hit just so that it was enough for him to feel it, but I didn't break anything. He didn't really like that.
"I do recommend that you stop. Using quirks is not recommended on school grounds."
"What the hell?! Who the hell are you?! And what gives you the right to hit me?! I will blast you into next week!"
The teacher suddenly stands up out of his chair.
"Enough, Bakugo! Your explosive personality and dangerous quirk is reason enough for you to be disciplined. However, I will forgive you this once. Both of you, the day is almost over, you should pack up and go."
I see Bakugo start to calm down a little, and Midoriya starts to relax now that he's not in mortal danger. I grab my things, and head back towards my classroom. Right before I leave, Bakugo whispers in my ear.
"The forest 6 kilometers from the school. It's private property, quirks are allowed. We fight there at 5:30. Be there."
He shoots me one last look and walks off. I think I'll go, seems like an interesting fight. Neither of us have much fighting experience, but my quirk is honed. I should at least hold my ground. This should be a great way to see how good I am.
This is gonna be fun.

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