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We live in a world of hurt.
Hurt people hurt people.
Broken people can't fix broken people.

Life kicks our butts,
Laughing and asking,
"What are you gonna do?"

We have two options;
Give in,
Or stand up and try again.

It's all too easy to give in.
Keep gossiping.
Keep bullying.
Stay addicted.
Keep hurting.
Be a victim.
Stay afraid.
Because even though it hurts us, it becomes our comfort zone.

But we don't have to let it.

We can rise up.
Get help.
Keep hoping.
Keep trusting.
Stepping out.
Refusing to let out hurt define us.

Because even when life knocks us down,
There is still more.

Even when life takes a lot,
It'll never take away our right to hope.
Because even though the road can be scary,
Hope is stronger than fear.
And even though Hope is the harder way,
You better believe it's worth it.

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