Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: We Need An Inside Woman

Dean’s POV

I was nervous. Somehow, despite years of being through stressful, hard situations and speaking to crowds of thousands at a time, I was nervous. I felt as if I was a teenager, or even a kid, again. It felt awful.

Yet, it told me that what I felt for Sebastian wasn’t just in my head. I was making the right choice. And I could feel it.

I had to push my nerves back though when I had to start teaching that day. Class after class went by and I was able to act as if there was nothing going on, nothing making my heart race and palms sweat more than usual that day.

But when Sebastian’s period started to make their way in, I couldn’t help but glue my eyes to the doorway and watch for him.

Students walked in, and after the first 15 passed, I realized that I shouldn’t keep staring at the door until he came. So, I forced myself to get busy with papers on my desk and rewriting anything on the whiteboard.

My chest warmed and I quickly remembered that it was because Sebastian was in the room. I finished what I was writing on the board and as subtly as possible, turned around and found Sebastian.

In less than a second, his eyes met my own and I felt my heart warm further. It was the mate bond encouraging us to be close. His eyes fluttered beautifully at the feeling before they opened and he sent me a piercing glare.

Literally. It sent a shot of pain through my chest but I was able to keep the discomfort off of my face. I sent him a small smile but he was quick to ignore it and look away from me. Sighing, I turned away from him and tried to look busy.

Finally, the bell rang and class started. Having Sebastian sitting there, listening to everything I said, made it harder for me to talk naturally and make jokes.

I hoped that none of my students noticed that I wasn’t smiling as much or making as many jokes as usual, but I did try to not let what was happening to me affect my teaching.

I finished with the lesson and assigned them the same work that I had assigned all of my previous periods. I checked the time and saw that we had a few more minutes so I made a quick announcement.

“Also, I won’t be taking any questions after class today. If any of you do have questions, you can ask me after class tomorrow or you can email me.” I pointed towards where I had written my email on the whiteboard before class had started. “I’m on my computer for hours in the evening so as long as you send me one before 7:30 or so I should be able to get back to you.”

With my announcement, the students filtered out of my class even faster than usual, but I had my eye out for one person.

Well, more like two. My eyes continued to find Sebastian even as he left the classroom. But once he was gone, I focused once again on the person I had wanted to speak to in the first place.

“Samantha!” I called, my eyes focused on the shorter girl. She turned, startled when she heard her name. “Would you come here for a moment.”

Samantha narrowed her eyes slightly but listened and slowly came up to me. I tried to give her a warm smile but it was met with a grimace on her part.

“You called?” She asked, her voice polite but indifferent. I nodded, a hint of nerves coming to me again when I remembered what I would have to ask her.

“Yes, I did. Umm, I wanted to ask for a favour.” I told her hesitantly. Samantha raised a single questioning eyebrow at my words.

“What kind of favour?” She questioned, suspicious of what I wanted from her.

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