fake girlfriend (yoongi)

24 1 15

"WOW." You muffle, mouth full of toast. You were sitting with your mom eating breakfast in the kitchen.

I love food.

Your mom slams the table, almost spitting out her coffee. Her blue eyes water, trying not to laugh at you, as she works on swallowing her caffeine.

You chuckle, never understanding why she thinks you're that funny. It made you so happy seeing her happy like that.

You glance at your old, middle school watch.

"Shoot! I'm gonna be late for class!" You shove another peace of toast in your mouth as you hurriedly hug your mom.

"Love you (Y/N)!" You hear, grabbing your stuff. You bulldoze through the front door and to the bus stop.

Arrived, you can't seem to catch your breath as you dab the sweat off your upper lip.

Wow, I need to start actually doing something after school instead of just homework. I can barely breathe. Am I ok...

You glance at your watch again.

5 minutes to spare until the bus arrives. Oh yeah baby!

You happily pop in your earbuds and blast some 80s music, admiring the colors of the sun rise. It was your favorite thing, the ride to school on mornings like these.

You got on the bus and leaned your sleepy head against the glass window, letting the warm sun absorb into your skin.

Ahh, sweet photosynthesis.

You laugh to yourself.

Maybe I am funny after all.. No I'm really not that was not ok.

You whip out your phone and check your instagram DMs, seeing you got 4 notifications.

You hold back a wheeze seeing it's from your best friend in the whole world.

What a doink.

Jungkook: Ayo girlll😎👊

Jungkook: (Y/N)! Hey! When will you b at school??😑😑hah.

Jungkook: Also,, do you want to hang out after school today at my house? WE CAN HAVE A POOL PARTY🐬😘 ITLL BE SO FUN AND SUMMERY OOH YAH.

Jungkook: And you better sit next to me in English class or else👊🤬☠️ I need you next to me to make that class bearable.

You let out a soundless laugh and begin to message him back.

You: Yo, sorry I didn't open insta until just now! ALSO YES POOL PARTY IT IS! SUMMER IS NEAR! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. ksksks, Also yes sure i'll sit next to you in english 🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣😭😭😭😘😘😘

You close your phone and look out the window again. The grass was green and bright, the sun was out, and the day was beautiful and warm. It was May and with only a few more weeks of school left, you and Jungkook could barely contain yourselves. The two of you planned to have endless pool parties, carpool karaokes, sleepovers, and go on tons of adventures this summer. You have never been more excited.

The bus came to a halt, jolting you out of your excitement. You hopped off the bus and walked to the front entrance of school. You took a deep breath of the warm, grassy, summer smell before heading inside the building.

You headed down the main hallway in the direction of your locker. You round the corner and spot Jungkook ahead of you, half asleep, leaning against your locker with earbuds in. He was wearing a colorful Hawaiian flannel, swim trunks, flip flops, and a bucket hat. You grabbed the corner of the wall and hurled yourself backwards in the direction you came, before he could see you. You forced your two hands over your mouth to prevent you from wheezing over his outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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