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Blu Damson is the name of a little dragon who lives in the small town of Cavan Ville. He has lots of friends and a loving family. According to everyone he is one the most energetic and happiest dragon anyone knows. He loves school and helping people.

But deep down inside Blu hated everything about himself. His arms and legs were fat, his tail was always dragging on the floor, he was ugly, annoying and irritating.

He hates going school because he worries about everything besides the school itself. He always thinks his class mates are watching him noticing all his flaws and is always comparing himself to all the people in his school.

One day at school a classmate of his said that everyone liked him instead of Blu because he was more interesting and Blu was more annoying

"No they don't...people like me" Blu said with full confidence but he looked around as everyone in the class looked at him with that face that said "how pathetic". Blu was sad and embarrassed since that day he was very quiet in school he didn't talk much to anyone and just kept to himself most of the time.

Blu's friends always asked him why he's so quiet now. But every time he tried to say something and contribute to a conversation his everyone would either: Talk over him, interrupt him, pretend not hear him or shush him; at this point Blu had  just given up and dropped the idea of saying anything at all.

Blu asked his parents if he could be home schooled. When they asked why, he didn't want them to know what he was happening, so he just gave up and said "never mind its nothing" it was much easier saying that than explaining how much and why he hates school so much.

Blu once got asked by one of his teachers "why are you so annoying" and at that point he knew he was better off not coming to school at all. He tried with all his strength not to cry in front of his class mates as he feared he would appear uglier than usual.

One of his friends noticed he looked a bit sad.

"are you okey" His friend asked

Blu was never really okey, there was always something bothering him about himself. He knew he wasn't okey, he felt like crying, he felt the pain of realising how irritating he was and how people really don't need him cluttering their lives. But of course Blu wasn't going to tell anyone that. He thinks that if people know how he really feels their gonna feel bad for him and he doesn't want to be that person who makes other peoples lives miserable because their always worrying about him.

So, he put on the best smile he could, gave a little chuckle to himself and said "i'm okey, I promise" his friend didn't look completely sold on his response but he just ignored it

When Blu got home he thought very hard about whats happened in these past few weeks.

This whole month had just seemed like a complete nightmare. So Blu went to the only place that makes him happy. There was a hut (kind of this a huge shed) behind the school where they keep the drums and pianos and mics and all the music stuff. Making music was kind of Blu's hidden talent that no one knew about. He just writes down stuff that he thinks about on a piece of paper and puts rhythm on it.

While writing down some ideas he realised that he had a speech due in English, so he grabbed a piece of paper and started writing a speech that actually had meaning.

The Day Of The Speech

Blu stood at the front of the class. His heart beating out of his chest. He cleared his throat.

"Good morning class and Ms. Peterson. I try not to care what other people think of me but...everytime i look in the mirror...i see an ugly little dragon trying to fit in but failing. I always did have anxiety about how people see me...but i learnt to deal with it. Of course back then nobody really knew how society was gonna treat them...i was the same. Until i found out society is all about how you look built on grounds of beauty and popularity. People are gonna judge you, break down your self esteem and make you feel like you don't belong among other people...because YOUR not as pretty as them YOUR not as thin as them YOUR not as popular as talented or as rich as them.You start to doubt every single move you make...trying to please everyone constantly thinking that your not good don't have to right to be around them...and you don't have the right to speak because no one likes you and no ones gonna listen to you.

You guys must be wondering why i'm telling you this. Well i'm telling you this don't know who among you...experiences these types of problems where they are constantly worrying about what others say and think about them. Just because your not thinking about it...doesn't mean other people aren't. So...if you guys could just please....give out a compliment every once and a while, let someone else give their opinion. Cause you never might just change a persons whole perspective of life.

Thank You"

After the speech everyone got up and cheered.

Blu lived a much happier life after that. He was heard when he wanted to speak, he was actually starting to enjoy school and didn't have to fake a smile most of the time. Of course he still overthinks a lot of things about himself can't be as perfect as we want it to be now can it.

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